Sir Gene Speaks
Sir Gene Speaks
0098 Sir Gene Speaks with Dude Named Defango
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Hey, it's Sir Gene and joining me once again, today is Duo. How are you?
Defango:Oh, I'm doing all right. You know, just, uh, hanging in there, in this, uh, wild world we live in.
Gene:It is getting more wild, isn't it? I mean, we all thought that when Covid was, you know, quote unquote over that things would be a little more calm, but it's not going in that direction.
Defango:No, no, it is not, it seems like it's just getting a little bit crazier. Maybe not here in the States, but overseas.
Gene:I think it's getting pretty crazy over here as well.
Defango:Oh, in what way?
Gene:Oh, people getting banned off of Twitter,
Defango:Oh, yeah. People are always getting banned off for Twitter though,
Gene:but I, but I thought Elon came in to change all that.
Defango:Yeah, that's what everybody thought.
Gene:Wasn't Elon supposed to unban everybody? Didn't he say he was a free speech absolutist?
Defango:Yes, he did say he was a free speech absolutist, but I'm starting to think that he's not.
Gene:Well, I think it sounds like he's pretty free with his speech, so that part of it's true,
Defango:He's okay with his speech being
Gene:which is why he bought the platform so he can be free with his speech. So that's pretty absolute. I guess technically he's right,
Defango:Technically he's right. Yes. But is,
Gene:yeah, I don't think anybody else is a free speech absolutist in that platform though.
Defango:No, no, no. Definitely not. His new trust and safety person
Gene:Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Defango:that her name was like Ella g Irwin or something like that. I got introduced to her. Yeah. It's like I started tweeting at her and the very next day, all of a sudden, you know, my tweets are getting, make it made to be deleted, but the, there's no reason. It's just blank. The reason is blank.
Gene:So you, you think she's the um, she's like in cahoots.
Defango:Mm. Well, I mean, we went back onto the Twitter feeds and we saw that they were both interacting with each other. They both follow each other. So,
Gene:So you, you're saying she's, uh, Eliza Blue's lesbian lover.
Defango:um, I didn't say that, I
Gene:what I heard you
Defango:she was her n at Twitter. That's, that's
Gene:Right? I, get it. I know what you're, what you're laying down there. Exactly.
Defango:it up what I put down there.
Gene:some pipe.
Defango:Yeah. I don't, I haven't laid any pipe. No pipe has been laid. I am not, I am not a, uh, contractor. I am
Gene:where, where, where were you able to see those photos of those two lesbian lovers interacting with each other that you posted and got banned from Twitter for?
Defango:Um, I didn't post any of that. I didn't post that. I got banned from Twitter, or I got banned from Twitter for posting myself being on somebody's show. Like just posting like my appearance on their show?
Gene:and is that because you couldn't stop harassing him or why?
Defango:Uh, no. No. I think it's actually because of the thumbnail. The thumbnail had a photograph of Eliza Blue and Jack Murphy like put together, you know Eliza Blue with Jack Murphy's beard?
Gene:Okay. So it could have been Jack Murphy that got you banned.
Defango:Yeah. It could have been Jack Murphy. They got me, man. But most people are thinking that it's gonna be the whole Eliza Blue character cuz they're saying she's Jack Murphy 2.0, the female version of Jack Murphy. I mean, everybody's just basically waiting for butt plug, you know, shots to come out
Gene:Right. Well, that, that's kind of what Jack Murphy's famous for is being a conservative YouTuber slash men's movement activist
Defango:Alpha male.
Gene:profiteer off of gullible young men. And, uh, it sounds like Eliza's Fit, Nolo, three of those as well.
Defango:Yeah, she fits the entire mold, everything that happened with Jack and then
Gene:and they were both on Tim Cast.
Defango:Yep. They were both on Tim cast and when they both got exposed, they started going on a murderous censorship rampage.
Gene:It's always somebody else's fault, isn't it?
Defango:Yeah. It's always somebody else's fault. I don't know how I ended up being at the forefront of all of this, but,
Gene:Well, I've heard your name bit brought up by some pretty large YouTubers out there, you know, millions of people and they, they're talking about you.
Defango:Yeah, I know. I was pretty surprised. I was watching Jeremy from the Quartering show today, and I saw him pull my, you know, tweet up and he said my name, and then he even read what I said, where I was kind of talking shit about him, and he just like laughed. I just laughed and I'm just like, Leonardo drap Rio pointing at the television screen, like, Ooh. Yeah.
Gene:Mm-hmm. Well, I think you know, Jeremy, contrary to what he says, he loves drama. Every drama he can get himself wedged into, he's happy to do.
Defango:I agree. I've seen him get into the drama. He got into there and I'm not like knocking in for it. This is totally on brand for him, but he's going to ba, he went to bat for Britney Vanti. Let's be real. He didn't go to bat for me.
Gene:Oh, absolutely. And he didn't even really know Britney that well, but now he does
Defango:Yeah, now he does. He was like, went on her show and stuff. I was just kind of like, damn, Doug, you're going, you're helping out the 25 year old Twitch girl. They got banned or whatever. I was like,
Gene:Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, it's funny cuz you know, right after Tim Cast got swatted, Jeremy got swatted. It's funny how that always seems to happen, you know, like right after Britney gets banned, Jeremy gets banned.
Defango:Yeah, right after Britney gets banned, Jeremy gets banned and then there's like a whole cadre of individuals that have come up over this, which I've just been watching half of these people on like Nerd Roddick show, cuz I like subscribe to him. I'm a member or whatever on his channel and I watch his stuff all the time cause I enjoy it. And I just was like, Chrissy Mayer, that Star Wars girl, couple, couple of those folks, you know, like they're in on this stuff too,
Gene:they don't want to miss their opportunity for more views.
Defango:well, I mean I, I guess I see it like that. But for like Chrissy, I think it's more that she's had that girl on her show like three times.
Gene:Yeah. And that just tells you something about Chrissy, doesn't it?
Defango:Well, I mean, Chrissy's a comedian. She's got like a zillion
Gene:she funny though? I've seen her and I don't, I've never seen anything that's actually funny come out of her mouth.
Defango:I don't know. She seems to be pretty popular. She's got like a whole show and everything
Gene:not that popular. I mean, she's probably got a 10th of Jeremy's audience, less than that
Defango:Hmm. That's, I guess you, you could say that's true, but she does seem to
Gene:I think she's got less of an audience than Britney does
Defango:No, I think they're about the same. No, no. Brittany's like maybe double, I think,
Gene:Yeah, Britney.
Defango:162,000 I think for Brittany.
Gene:I don't watch her regularly, but I've seen a few of the trolls she's done, which have been insanely hilarious. Like she did a thing where she was in grand theft audio, uh, a Grand theft auto, God damn, I can't pronounce. And, um, uh, people were harassing her, quote unquote, in that
Defango:Oh yeah.
Gene:And it was hilarious because she is a 100% willing participant for the views and great content, but she, the words coming out of her mouth are on par with the typical stereotypical California, uh, wokes. And it's like, leave me alone. Why are you following me with that fish? It's, it's like, it's the funniest stuff. And clearly the guy, the guys that were in that game with her are seeing this as, um, exactly what it is, which is. Making fun of the whole situation. Not actually somebody who's offended, but she does a great job of keeping a straight face. I, I totally have to give it her props. Big time. Brittany has, um, I watched her on and off for three years probably. She has done a great job of doing trolling with a totally straight face on multiple occasions.
Defango:No, I agree. I've been following her along for quite some time or whatever. Like I reremember, I've watched the GTA stuff, I've seen, you know, a lot of a Reese and stuff. That's why to me it was just kind of like, you know, strange cuz like I had put this thread out like almost a month ago, pretty much. And there was really like, there was subtraction on it, you know, I went up some, a massive amount of followers. I was like, not sur I was very surprised and.
Gene:tripping there.
Defango:Yeah. And then, you know, all of a sudden outta nowhere I see a bunch of people talking about Britney Venti posting up a thread and getting blocked, and this whole entire thing just snowballed outta control. Outta control, which is cool for me.
Gene:I, well, yeah, I mean, I hope you're getting some major, um, numbers picking up in both Twitter and in YouTube. Bland.
Defango:Yeah, my phone just keeps going off. I have to like, people keep on asking me like, dude, what's going on? I was like, ah, it's my Twitter. It's just, there's, there's,
Gene:used to say, oh, it's my Instagram. I, I've got 8 million followers in there.
Defango:No, no, no. I'd say that's my Twitter. I got, I was like, I got up to three K, but you know, I'd got like a million subscriber channel to talk about my stuff or whatever. I was like, feels good man, but that's okay. You know, like that's how it used to work back in the day. I would like start talking about something and then like a month later I'd get really big and then all these other people would be talking about it. So, feels good to have that set up back again, you know? Feels
Gene:Yeah. And you're, you're providing them a way to get some more views, so they're happy to talk about it, and I'm glad they're actually mentioning your name instead of just saying some small Twitter guy,
Defango:Yeah. So it's all Twitter guy, that's nobody. And be like, yeah, I, I think it was pretty funny cuz I was actually talking to Cassandra, uh, well I guess her name's Cassandra McDonald now, but she used to be Cassandra Fairbanks. Uh,
Gene:Tim Tim's chick,
Defango:like producer girl, she messaged me, uh, about this stuff. Which is funny because I've talked to her before in the past. I, you know, been through some interesting s I guess some interesting things with her, but you know, like all positive actually. So I was just kind of like talking back and forth with her about it, you know, like I haven't bothered her at all about this stuff. And I wasn't even really bothering Tim pull directly about it cuz I was like, you know what, this guy's gonna eventually have to say something about this. And I mean, he did
Defango:Although it wasn't
Gene:he really didn't.
Defango:Yeah, he
Gene:been launching him. I mean, he, he said that there's some kind of thing going on in Germany, I guess has been banned, and I guess there's something going on
Defango:He said something.
Gene:He was as Gene ric about it as, as anything, I guess he said more than he did about Jack Murphy. That's true.
Defango:exactly. He said absolutely nothing about Jack
Gene:about Jack Murphy at
Defango:but this situation that has been created. Definitely Gene rated a lot more like hype than the Jack Murphy thing because people have seen it before and I think more people are angry right now because they kind of like, get what I'm putting down. Cuz it's not like I'm saying that, you know, like, I have the perfect story or whatever. I'm just saying that, you know, the stories that
Gene:Well, you're not a, you're not an investigative journalist, you're just kind of calling what you're seeing.
Defango:uh, I guess, I mean, I don't know. I got some of these investigative journalists hit me up about this shit and I already had some fools from N B C news trying to get at me. And then I saw somebody else, uh, probably from the Washington Post or whatever, one of Taylor Lorenz's people.
Defango:was just like, fuck. I was like, no.
Gene:discredit you? Give us
Defango:Yeah. I was like, no. I was like, no, no. They wanna discredit Elon. That's what they wanna do this, they want to use this situation to discredit Elon,
Gene:now I have no knowledge obviously of anything, but it sure does seem like Elon's got a thing for this chick.
Defango:Yeah, I would have to say that some people are, people are still claiming that he gave her a free Tesla,
Gene:I wouldn't be surprised,
Defango:so, but you know, like we've still not been able to get any serious confirmation on that
Gene:technically I will say he never gives Teslas. I know somebody else, I got a free one as well. He always gives them a free lease to a Tesla.
Defango:Yeah, so it's probably a free lease,
Gene:Yeah, that's my guess. But you know, if you say he gave her a free Tesla, then somebody's gonna name the fact check media, say fact check. False. This is, this is a well known lie that's propagated on the internet. Elon Musk did not give her a free Tesla,
Defango:haven't gotten that though.
Gene:and then they'll stop at that.
Defango:No, we, we, we don't get those types of fact checks or whatever at the current time. I mean, you know, like we've basically, uh, through no fault of our own, through, through no fault of our my own in this particular situation, you know, I've probably created the, of the biggest little single most things that could probably really, really irk the whole entire thing. Cuz N b NBC just talked about how they were saying, oh, we're taking out CP on the
Gene:Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Defango:we proved that no, that's s not actually the case. You know, the freaking, all of the stuff that they said
Gene:Or, or if it is being taken off, it definitely wasn't because of what she was doing.
Defango:Exactly. It got taken off because of what N B C News did after they submitted their stuff. And then they finally actually took some action, which was like way up. But I had to sit and listen through, I don't know, like hundreds of different Twitter accounts tweeting at me. Oh. But El Eliza stopped like fucking c a p on Twitter with Elon. I don't know what you're talking about. And I was like, so they were talking on a Twitter space and they stopped it. Okay. That's what happened. Really? Okay. Yeah. That's not what happened. I mean, they just were talking about it. Like me and you are talking right now. We ain't changing the fucking world yet.
Gene:Yeah. Speak for yourself. Uh,
Defango:know. I, me, I'm just chilling.
Gene:I think. It is a very naive way to look at it. And it's like Neil, uh, you know, Ellan just bought the company. He was like, yeah, it's all good. Everything's cool. I love the, the child porn on here. And then out of the blue, this blue-haired chick, middle-aged chick, frankly, comes out and, and, uh, yeah, definitely of that age, uh, says, Hey Elon.
Defango:on good authority. She's a definitive cougar, like 19 year old boyfriend. 17 year old
Gene:All right. There you Well, nothing wrong with that in my book. You know, everybody likes to have a little
Defango:a lot of wrong in the, I mean, 17 year old boyfriend, four year old chick. That seems wrong in my book.
Gene:Well, depends on the country,
Defango:not Justin Roland,
Gene:Uh, I don't know who has.
Defango:the creator of Rick and Morty that
Gene:Oh, right, right, right. Yeah, man, that's another thing. It's like this fucking cul culture is just like, it, it places zero value on innocent until proven guilty.
Defango:No, it doesn't. They people put all kinds of value into innocent until proven guilty. It's just that, you know, when you get caught up for domestic violence charges, and then you're always making petto jokes, and then somebody actually finds out that you're messaging 16, 15 year old girls and calling'em jail bait and saying that you want to bang them, that's not hearsay. There's fucking screenshots and shit.
Defango:It's like, that's exactly like what they do. What do you mean out of context?
Gene:Well, we don't know what
Defango:jokes that that's what they say. He's cracking jokes, but you're not cracking jokes to 16 year old girls and calling them jail Bain saying that they need to run away from home and come to you. You know, like that's, that's not okay, bro. Like that's taking it too far. Like
Gene:Yeah. It might
Defango:older chick, it's inappropriate as fuck.
Gene:there's plenty of guys doing standup that do that exact same thing. It's, that's actually not
Defango:but there's a line and the line is you could
Gene:a moral
Defango:jokes on stage as you want, no problem. The second that you go off a stage and then you start actually going and trying to acquire young people to, I guess, have sex with, that's, you know, crossing the
Gene:know that that ever happened. And that's what I mean by incidental proven guilty. Like we have a bunch of hype. We, what we don't have is any actual facts.
Defango:well, I mean, we'll, we'll have to see what goes on with the domestic violence case, I guess
Defango:that's right. Innocent till proven guilty.
Gene:you know, domestic violence today is used as a, uh, a coverall club anytime a chick is unhappy. So I wanna see those photos of bruises. When I see photos of bruises, then I'll agree with domestic violence right now. It sure as hell to me, uh, well, or whatever. But I mean, I, I wanna see some actual proof cuz I've seen plenty, plenty of chicks that when regretting their, uh, relationships. Concoct all kinds of shit. We just went through this in the Johnny Depp case, in fact.
Defango:Yeah, we
Gene:and, and, uh, people have a short memory apparently. So my, my hashtag I've been using is All Women Lie, which I think is a, it's a fairly honest one. Um, and it, uh, certainly pisses off plenty of people, but it also gets people thinking because it is socially acceptable in their culture. For women to tell little white lies with zero consequences, it's considered, okay, well, you know, it's a woman. Women do that. It's not acceptable for men to do that. And I think we need to stop, we need to stop treating men and women the same way that's leading us into a, into becoming the laughing sack of the world
Defango:Well, I mean, in certain ways yes. But at the same time, you know, we're gonna have to see what actually comes through on the, on the record or whatever. But from what I've seen in my, uh, dumb ass investigations, I'm all like, yo, this guy might be a menace to society and
Defango:just gonna have to see how it plays out with him
Gene:I, I, think plenty of people dislike his cartoons and that might give them just enough incentive to make him guilty regardless.
Defango:Hmm. Well, I mean, I like his, I like the cartoons. I mean, for the most part, I thought Rick and Morty was pretty good. There were certain things in there that I was like, yeah, it's a little bit, uh, little bit off color or whatever. But I guess I could see where you're going with that.
Gene:well, I, I don't watch them. I, I've never been a Rick and Morty guy, so for me, this is just a random person in Hollywood. But, um, I did, I did like his video game. That one I thought was pretty funny.
Defango:Yeah, I didn't
Gene:Uh, it was a high on life. I believe it's,
Defango:Hmm. Yeah, no, I haven't played that video game.
Gene:Oh yeah, yeah. Check it out. That's where you, uh, use a phone to text underage girls. It's really fun.
Defango:Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I wanna, you know, do that
Gene:Oh, it's a video game. It's not real life.
Defango:Mm. I think I'm good.
Gene:You you good? All right, man. You're not playing many games lately.
Defango:Yeah. No, no, no, no. Just been working usually.
Gene:you know, as a guy that got me to spend all that money on Star Citizen and then you don't even play anymore.
Defango:What are you talking about? I have been playing like every now and again just to like, pull it out. I've actually gotten into the three 18 P T
Gene:Oh, you did? You're in the PTU though.
Defango:Yeah. I've been on wave one for a while now, but I, I just haven't seen like, I mean, I like what's going on with it. The only problem I have right now is I need to get new joysticks. My
Defango:right one is too jacked up, so you know, I've got, I've been saving money to actually like get me some better ones, but that just hasn't even dropped yet. So I don't even plan on like really putting too much time into it until it actually, you know, comes out. Well then I'm gonna be probably playing a lot more, cuz the salvaging stuff seems a little interesting.
Gene:It's, it's very, yes, it's a good direction, but it's very little progress in that direction. At least it's something. But, uh, I, I like where the game is going Gene rally. I like all their updates, but it is going so, fuck and slowly, like other companies literally make a brand new game in a year and a half, in 18 months. The 18 months of progress that this company's had in the last 18 months, it is tiny. It is really small. Uh, it's what other companies would typically do in three months.
Defango:But you know what though? I really like just flying out into the middle of nowhere and finding, you know, a a, an exploded ship and like going and checking out the little body and seeing that, you know, Jeff Dunham died here. Like, to me, that's pretty, I mean, that's pretty epic. They could have done a lot more with it. A lot sooner.
Gene:is, it is, it is fun. And it's good to see all additions happening. I just wish more of'em were happening. Did you see the exploit for those, you know, abandoned ships that you find that are all Rex, like the, the 8, 8 90? I, um, even though it has no power and it's, you know, it's wrecked, um, because it's wrecked. It's a, it's a placed object, right? You can't blow that ship up. You can't destroy it. You can't do anything with it. Guess what? Still works in that ship?
Defango:The guns.
Gene:The med Bay.
Defango:Oh, the Med bay.
Gene:So it's a great actually home for somebody, like a little pirate group, for example, to cause their base station because you can always respond the ship, you got your own running Med Bay, uh, it's big enough for you to land other ship. Now you, you can't rep those ships on board. But, uh, it's a nice little home away from home, you know, where, um, uh, what's been Now I wouldn't say I've ever certainly seen this happen while I was online, but certainly I can imagine it happening and people have talked about it, of some unsuspecting coal cleanser flying in, in their little, uh, hauling salvage ship and finding one of these and going, this is great. I can now salvage this ship. And then, uh, having somebody, uh, blow them up with a rail gun literally on foot from inside the wreck and then, um, you know, take their ship and their salvage and uh, whatever else they had on, on person. Cuz now we have indestructible stuff, right? So when you get killed, all your stuff stays when your ship. Gets, um, incapacitated or even if it gets blown up and destroyed, your contents actually spill out so they stay in the game. Uh, so it's a nice little, nice little home slash lure for a little pirate group.
Defango:Yeah, it'd be cool to check that out. I've been running my, I've just been flying around in my, uh, freaking mantis, which I liked. It seems like they gave it a speed bump of some kind
Gene:Oh, they did? I didn't realize that. Okay.
Defango:because it was going like 1340 something. I know it was over 1340 that I saw, cuz I was actually able to get away from somebody
Gene:Really? Okay.
Defango:I was able to keep up with the kerick
Gene:Well all those speeds are gonna
Defango:used to be able to give up with the kerick at
Gene:Oh, in the
Defango:is stupid. Yeah. Like the kerick used to be able to take off faster than I could. So like they could just go straight in one line and then I would be able to stay up. I'm like, this ship is for interdiction. You shouldn't be able to get away from me. So it seems like they changed that finally.
Gene:Well, it's all gonna go away in, in three 18.3 anyway, because they're redoing the, uh, speeds. So your top speed is?
Defango:Where it's at right now.
Gene:Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. Because the top speeds are now, uh, the, the normal flight speeds are again, drastically reduced, basically down to two to 300 in that range. But the micro war drive, uh, which is, um, like everything this game does, I can point a finger at when Eve did it 15 years earlier, it's literally, they're doing the same shit now. Uh, but when they have these microb drive speeds, you're able to do what you can also do incidentally in illegal dangerous, which is while in warp you're, you're, there's different warp speeds. It's not just one speed and warp that you can't move you, you. You can fly at different speeds through Warp. You can also change direction in Warp. So that feature which exists in Eve exists in, uh, elite Dangerous is coming to Star, citizen sounds like around 18.3 or point 18.3. Um, which is cool. I mean, again, the more features they add, the better.
Defango:So what, like September.
Gene:um, so 18 three should probably be, yeah, probably Christmas time ish,
Defango:Yeah, I don't think they're gonna get it out until we'll have three 19 in time
Gene:every, everything is subject to being delayed, but the last I heard was they were targeting 18 three for the, uh, uh, for the speed change. So it'll be interesting. It'll be interesting. I always like
Defango:forward to that, but you know
Gene:I think, well, rum, rum with the speed change comes, the inability to use Shields on anything. Faster than about 300 meters per second.
Gene:So you can only use shields at low speed. You can't use shields when you're micro work driving around.
Defango:Yeah. Which is dumb.
Gene:Well, it's, it's interesting. I, I think it is, it's a little bit of a forced move. Like nobody asked them to do that. Um, it will definitely completely reset the gameplay.
Defango:War II in space, but they did it anyway.
Gene:God. Yeah. I mean that's a continuing ongoing bullshit topic for me that I'm kind of getting tired of is just tell, look, like everything about that game is World War II fighter pilot's flying around in space, uh, every
Defango:now we're gonna have some warp thing that we're gonna have to push another button forward.
Gene:Yeah. It kind of forces you to get a
Defango:you're gonna get warp, and then somebody's gonna be behind you and you know, like they're not gonna be able to be shooting you. So people are just gonna be running away
Gene:Yeah. People are gonna be running away, but the
Defango:And how can you knock somebody outta warp?
Defango:So the owner ship's gonna be the manti.
Gene:Yeah. I think that means they're probably going to introduce another ship with that ability for, you know, somewhere between three and$800.
Defango:Hmm, dear, have the, they have two ships that it can interdict
Defango:and the cutie Blue. But the cutie blue has that garbage tether thing that, you know, you have to be within two K for
Gene:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It, it's, I I think that ship is really more about keeping somebody from leaving, being next to the ship rather than actually pulling'em out of, uh, out of a jump. I think that right now the Manta is the only one that pulls'em out, but could be wrong.
Defango:Yeah. Mantis is the only one that pulls'em out, but it's a nice pullout.
Gene:Mm-hmm. So, yeah, I'm,
Defango:a lot.
Gene:I'm kind of looking forward to that as well. I'm not playing currently. There's a few other games I've been playing catching up on. But,
Defango:Val Heim, bro. It's all
Gene:yeah, I haven't done that. I have not done Val Heim yet. I've been playing iGen, I X I O n, uh, which is kind of a Ring world thing. And then I've also been playing, what's the other game called? Um, BA ba ba ba. The other game is called Where's My Steam? Um, uh, fuck it. It's got a weird name that I can't think of right now for some reason. Um, it's got like a something colon, something, something type name, which I hate when the game stamped that cuz I can never remember them al. Anyway, it'll, I'll eventually figure it out and mention it. Um, so I haven't been really what?
Defango:I haven't, or it's like I've only been playing Belheim myself. Like I think I have been playing Baim and then I was playing New World. Like I got back into playing New World for a little while to check out the new content. But it's like, you know, all, I don't really like, they haven't really fixed all the problems that, you know, like I had with the game itself. Like the PVP is just unrelentingly garbage. They keep on making the musket like this weapon in pvp. That just doesn't make any sense. It's a musket, but
Gene:Well, why would there be a musket in Belheim that's not
Defango:No, it's not in Val Heim. It's a new world.
Gene:Oh. Oh. In New World. Oh, sure, sure.
Defango:Yeah, in New World they have, uh, a bunch of different stuff. But Anna Turnham, one of the weapons is a, is a fricking musket. And there's dudes that just like sit in the back and just unload, you know, so many shots at you, but they're able to hit you like, you know, perfect pinpoint accuracy every single time. And they're like, you know, 200 meters away or something like that.
Gene:sounds like hackers.
Defango:Yeah. And yeah, well, that's the thing. And then they've got hackers now that have trainers that are just basically letting them auto aim onto people perfectly.
Gene:How do aim always kills the game.
Defango:mm-hmm. And then there was a glitch, which made that lit. Made it so they could rapid fire. Like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Defango:it was like, you know, they, they fixed stuff, but there's so much lag issues still. And then, you know, like the balancing is just completely off. So like, I used to be a healer and then I switched to being like d p s and doing tanking, and I was having more fun, you know, doing that. It's just that like having to, like, the game is just, there's, you had to have like different gear for everything. You know? Now when you do mutated dungeons, you have to have, you know, pieces for every single mutation, or you can't even get a group. And then the servers are already, you know, pretty much dying
Gene:I know a couple guys that play that. I've just never gotten into it cuz I'm, I'm just less interested in fantasy than I am in sci-fi stuff.
Defango:Yeah, well, I mean, I'm pretty interested in, I was pretty mally interested in sci-fi stuff, but I played New World because I figured it would be like a, you know, I wanted to try a different type of
Gene:Yeah. I get
Defango:kinda like the combat, you know, one-on-one, it seems to work all right, but when you get into big groups sometimes it's just like lag. It's just Lag Fest. And then Val Heim was nice because I paid for it a long time ago and I was playing with a group of like, uh, star citizen guys, like my Organ star citizen. And I just kind of kept playing it cuz I was like, oh, I kind of enjoy this, or whatever, building stuff. So I just play like the survival game and then, you know, build things. And I've been progressing through again on a new character, which has been pretty fun. But it's super
Gene:I I found the game as, uh, so stranded Colon alien, Dawn, have you seen it?
Defango:Never heard of it.
Gene:So it is a game made by Frontier, which is the same guys that make lead dangerous and also that made, uh, Jurassic World Evolution or whatever. Um, they are, you know, a decent company. They make good games. So this is an early release. It's getting updated very regularly every month or so. Uh, but it, it's, the central idea is your, your little spaceship crashes on a alien world. There's four of you. It's a top down game. So you kind of play it like you would, um, age of, um, empires kind. But you're not controlling, you know, a thousand. Yeah. Kind of, kind of like sim like, but you could also zoom out pretty far. I don't, I don't think sim zooms out. Maybe does. I don't know, but
Defango:a PTU update.
Gene:Oh, yeah. Oh, there you
Defango:saw it.
Gene:Maybe they're opening it up for more people. Uh,
Defango:I don't want, I like it when it's only US streamers in there.
Gene:right. Hot
Defango:It's funny, I always talk smack because they're like, you're not even a streamer anymore. You don't even stream this game anymore. And I was like, you want me to blow you up?
Gene:mm-hmm. It's funny. Um, well, you, yeah. You've, you've always kind of been on the pirate side anyway.
Defango:What are you talking about? I wasn't on the pirate side. I was the goodest kid to be, when I first started for three years, I was the chief of being nice. I was literally in cobra's org. It was all Care Bears and Sunshine.
Gene:well, whatever. Cobra's done. Plenty of p.
Defango:Yeah, well, I mean, whatever. I was always like, you know, the good guy or whatever. And then, you know, shit happens. So I decided to go, you know, try out the bad stuff and then, you know, everybody gets, everybody
Gene:went, you went to the dark side, didn't you? You went to the dark side. Well, I'm about to do that. I've, I've said from the GetGo, as soon as they do that mechanic, where the uh, uh, well, as soon as that goes live, right in the live game now the p t u where the, uh, the, uh, shields don't do jack shin anymore. I am so totally playing as a pirate.
Defango:Oh, you were gonna wait till the shield thing now? No. You need a train now,
Gene:Uh, I dunno, there's a whole lot to train. I'm gonna be flying in, um, you know, a ship with decent guns and just blowing up everybody that's around me.
Defango:I mean, that's kind of lame,
Gene:I mean, you know, I haven't done that. So I figured that'd be a fun thing to try for a.
Defango:but Yeah, you could do that, I guess, if you wanted to.
Gene:Yeah, I mean, it's just, I, it, it's been a long time since I've, like, spawned, camped anybody, so I figured it might be fun to do it in this game for a little bit,
Defango:Oh yeah. It is fun. I mean,
Gene:just kind of sit, sit outside of the, uh, the bubble, the security bubble of the stations and just start picking people off,
Defango:Uh, why don't you just stay in the security bubble station?
Gene:well, well, yeah. I
Defango:is to dodge all of the missiles and
Gene:yeah. The problem is that you won't have shields either, so the station guns are gonna be a lot more painful. You can't take a little hit like you used to.
Defango:Watch me,
Gene:Oh, yeah. Okay. All right. All that's fine.
Defango:dude. You know how this game works. Okay? Like, they haven't updated those guns pretty much ever. And just them changing the, they're gonna change the freaking fly mechanics. They're not gonna touch those things.
Gene:Yeah, maybe. Maybe. We'll see. I'm just saying even though random hit with
Defango:I my practice used to be flying around the station with the shields off.
Defango:And then when people would come up, I would turn the shields on and then let my shields charge up slow, not putting in power into'em, and then go, you know, fight people that's like, you know, you gotta do these things to get yourself more in tune with, you know, fighting. Cuz half the time that you're gonna be fighting anyway, you're not gonna have shields. Especially if you're coming up with somebody that doesn't miss, which there are guys out there that
Gene:Well, if you fight, if you fight in like the, um, uh, the, uh, the hell's the ship I'm thinking of, uh, starts with a G. The G Gladi. Yeah. Yeah. If you fly with the gladius, it literally takes two seconds for your shields to come. So if your shields get taken down two seconds later, you hit full shields. So, so a lot of, a lot of that p v P players over the last few years, a lot of their gameplay is basically, uh, shoot, shoot, shoot evasive for two seconds to get your shields back and then shoot, shoot, shoot after that again. Um, I, I have not, maybe they exist. I, I'm not saying they don't, but I, I've not single seen a single video of somebody from like, um, what's that guy's name? Uh, rogue One or whatever. Uh, that guy's group,
Defango:Avenger one
Gene:Avenger one do a video where they, where they fly
Defango:the greatest flyers ever.
Gene:Yeah. That is like the best flyer in the game. Right. Uh, and I'm, I'm saying, I'm saying that facetiously, I'm saying that facetiously, goddammit. Uh, but I've never seen a video that he or any of his folks in that. Group have put out where they're, they're turn their shields off and then go fight each other. And they don't do that because those fights would not last very long.
Defango:Yeah, no, no, no. And then, you know, like their, their, uh, auto aimes and shit like that would really
Gene:Yeah. They still leave honor. Amen. Yeah, exactly.
Defango:you know, it was funny though, Avenger one actually had something where he was accusing somebody of cheating.
Defango:He was like, this guy was doing moves that like, were not possible and all this other shit. And I'm just kind of like watching the whole thing. Like is he serious right now?
Gene:Yeah. Well, first of all, if you watch his setup, he rarely flies decoupled.
Defango:Yeah, he's always coupled
Gene:which is like, what the fuck? I fly decoupled all the time except for landing. Landing. I turn coupling back on for easy
Defango:That's why I can blow you up so easily
Gene:Why? Because I fly decoupled.
Defango:decoupled. Yeah.
Gene:Yeah. Decoupled way better. Um, and then, and then,
Defango:experience, I guess. I mean,
Gene:Well, yeah, it's
Defango:if you, if I have to actually go decouple to fight you, I will respect you. I will respect you slightly more,
Defango:I'm gonna be more annoyed that I actually had to go to decouple to, to, just so I could defeat your cheese. That's basically it.
Gene:Well, I usually fly backwards, so I can't do it.
Defango:Your cheese,
Gene:It's, no, it's proper. It's called proper battle simulation.
Defango:queso. You wouldn't be flying fucking backwards in World War ii. Get outta here.
Gene:I don't play World War ii. I play at Space
Defango:I fly. No, you're flying in World War II space game
Defango:backwards. That's why I say,
Gene:trying to be more
Defango:seen guys that do that all the time and you know, like it, it's so easy to defeat that if you, if you go, if they're going decoupled and they're going backwards, all I have to do is corkscrew and they twist up a twist down and you're probably never gonna be able to hit me cuz you're gonna be going in a straight line and I'm just going to be moving up and
Gene:well you see, I don't go in a straight line when I'm decoupled. I'm always
Defango:is just, you're just never gonna be able to hit that pip
Gene:Yeah. Well, and that's the other thing that he does that I don't do and you know, I'm not as great obviously a, a PVP as he is, but it's just stupid. Is he, he has the, the auto aim pips on full max and I have them unturned off because I want my, uh, shots flying to where I'm shooting, not to where the computer thinks you're gonna be. And that's another way that it seems like people that have that pip auto crap turned down seem to miss a lot more shots because if you do corkscrew and it's just a simple corkscrew, nothing. The, the computer that's aiming your pips cannot predict what you're doing and you're gonna miss a lot more than if you turn that off and you just use manual aiming with no bullshit PIP automation.
Defango:I mean, I use Lag Pips. That's what I
Gene:No, no, no. That, that's fine. I mean, the, that there, there's two settings in there. One just shows you where the PIP shows up, uh, for targeting. Uh, either, you know, le leader
Defango:defaults lead.
Gene:right? Defaults lead. Most good players put it on lag. But aside from that, you have the, the, uh, I forget what the, the term in the game is, but it's basically, would you like us to auto adjust where the rounds actually go And most people leave that on? No, people Gene rally don't turn that off. And in fact, uh uh, when wat his face showed his settings, avenger one that was turned. It's like, dude, you're making it like more difficult to fight people that are moving by doing that, because the predictive algorithm only works linearly, so you can't follow the computer, can't follow a corkscrew, the computer can only follow a linear
Defango:the game.
Gene:Sure. I guess if you're, if you just want to ignore where the PIP tells you, that's fine too. I just find it easier to just turn off.
Defango:Yeah. Well, I mean, most people just try to turn it off. I used to play games like that, but in Star Citizen with the, the way that I feel like how it works when you're flying and like with the server tick, I just leave it on the lag because it's just, I know that's where the bullets are gonna go no matter
Gene:Yeah. You're so, you're just, man, your, your brain's compensating for the game. Fucking things up.
Defango:Yeah. For the game fucking things up. So I know that if as long as my lag pip is within, you know, like a couple of inches of the ship, I can still get hits. Right. You know, like, and I'll always get more hits than somebody that's, you know, on a lead pip because they're shooting in front of the target and I'm
Gene:It's so stupid,
Defango:behi. I'm technically shooting behind it. You know, behind it and to the side and because like in the majority of the fights that you're taking, everybody's turning, right? Like everybody's trying to die fight right now, which is fine,
Gene:And it's gonna get even more so with this new change that's, that they're doing. Cuz if they, you're gonna be in knife si at knife fight speeds or you don't have shields.
Gene:So that's what they're pushing for. So I don't know, we'll see what that change comes out like. I, I definitely want to try doing something different. I've done the mining, I've done the, uh, uh, you know, the grinding of the, uh, different missions I've done, the, the dungeons, the, uh, what do you call'em? Uh, What are they called in this game? The, uh, deep, deep bunkers. Yeah. Yeah. Bunkers. I've only done the, the thing on the Orson once, and I guess that's back to being live now, so I, I probably do that a few more times. Um,
Defango:That's fun. Sort of. Yeah. That's fun. I like the going to do the. Xeno threat, but not being a part of Xeno threat and being a pirate and then just killing everyone.
Gene:everybody he's killing don't have everybody. Yeah. Yeah.
Defango:not everybody, like I'll, I, I will not kill the pirates. I'll play the pirate side on that mission and that's, that's probably the best time that I've had. Although it is very, it is very difficult because as soon as you run out of, you know, like you're down to like 10 flares or you're running low on, you gotta like quarter of your tank and hydrogen, you gotta get out of there and then that's when you can usually, that's when you'll usually end up dying cuz people will chase you down.
Gene:Yeah. Yeah. And my frustration with the Xeno thread is just the all you're you're doing is you're flying back and forth without quantum, uh, around, you know, like 300 kilometers from the station. Like, oh, they're on this side. Oh, they're on that side. There's a lot of just waiting around. Um, and, uh, you know, but other than that, it's, it's, I enjoyed it. I, I played on the good guy side, obviously, but, um, it was pretty interesting. The only thing I did with, um, jump Town is just take my A two out or, or a one, take my A one out to have some practice and targeting. Um, probably do more of that. And then especially when the, when the A two comes out, it'll definitely.
Defango:yeah, whenever I get my little bomber, I'll probably be practicing on that, although I don't have no idea when that thing's gonna come out.
Gene:Probably two years from now, I think it'll be pretty quick.
Defango:pretty quick probably. I'm not too worried about it.
Gene:yeah, two, two, years. two years. is pretty quick
Defango:No, I've been having a nice time taking off of that game and experiencing other things. I mean, I'm just on Twitter cuz it's easier, whatever, and I'm having so much fun just,
Gene:creating big controversies around, uh, people that have a shady pass, so that's always a fun pastime.
Defango:yeah. Yeah, it's always a fun past time being that guy that brings that old shit up.
Gene:Yeah. Well, and the thing that's interesting to me is when I watch your video, uh, is, um, well two things. One is, uh, that you, like, you have history here. You're not, you didn't just run across Liza Blue, you're, you actually. Been around when she was around in multiple stages of her names.
Defango:Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's what a lot of people seem to miss.
Gene:said, yeah, yeah. Well you don't really put it out there right in the beginning. Like they'd have to watch your video to know that. Um,
Defango:Well, I mean, I mentioned it like in passing in my thread too, where I'm like, yeah, I used to hang out with her back in the day at this time. That's when I like met her and yeah, she was doing different shit. That was not exactly what she's talking about now.
Gene:And she was in Chicago you said, right?
Defango:Yeah, she was in Chicago, well, technically from a farm on the outskirts of, uh, Illinois, like close to, I guess, Iowa.
Gene:Okay. Yeah, there was another, there was a streamer chick that I remember. A buddy, well, a guy I worked with, lived with a streamer chick in 1999. Um, that was also somebody blue, but clearly not this chick, different city. But, um, yeah, I remember watching some of those videos and they're just so bizarre watching this guy's girlfriend, like being very, I don't know, just kind of suggestive I guess. And, um, you know, working, working for the money as they say.
Defango:Ain't nothing wrong with working for your money if you're shaking it. You know what I'm saying?
Gene:Well, You are
Defango:know what I mean?
Gene:but like, I knew this dude and he was,
Defango:I know
Gene:you know, he was this kind of conservative, not, not necessarily politically conservative, just kind of very, very accountant looking dude that you would be like, you would never think that his girlfriend is like an only fans or the, the equivalent thereof back in the.
Gene:It's one of those weird things when you find out, it was like, holy shit. It's kinda like the first time you, you ran across, uh, somebody that has, uh, that did, uh, video on demand stuff. And it's like she's putting huge butt plugs in her ass and then turns out that like she's actually a, uh, uh, junior high school teacher and, and a friend of yours kid goes to that school.
Defango:And then you're showing it to him so he can go get her fired from her job or whatever.
Gene:Well, that would never occur to me, but these days that probably would happen.
Defango:yeah. That's what
Gene:but you know, I don't even know that it's necessarily, uh, I mean, what the hell are people thinking of do stuff? It kind of guess goes back to Jack Murphy for this conversation. It's like, what are you doing doing that stuff and doing the opposite. If Jack Murphy was just consistent, And he was like the liberal dude on Tim, cast N he would've never had a problem. Am I right?
Defango:Yeah. I don't think he would've had a problem.
Gene:No. He would've been like, oh, Jack Murphy. Yeah, you're the guy on only fans. That's wild that you do this, but you know, tell us about other stuff you're interested in. But that's not the image that he was portraying on Tim. And he was on there a lot. And I, I definitely got a, I didn't, I didn't like him from the get go. I thought he was a little smarmy, a little too, like I know better. And, uh, you know, who died and made you God was my kind of take on Jack Murphy. So I never particularly liked him. I always thumbed down the episodes that he was on. Um, Eliza I only saw her once on Tim, I guess she's been on a few times, but I only saw her once and I definitely got a similar like, eh, something's not right here. Feeling. And remember I like texted you that same night when I saw her. I was like, yeah, this chick is, there's something off about her. Um, well, of course you didn't check your freaking signal for like a month after that, but, okay.
Defango:Well, I mean, I never look at it.
Gene:I, I, I know that now. I didn't know that back then.
Defango:I don't ever look at signal cause there's nobody ever messages me honest, I think except for you. But my, it's not in my scheduled or for some reason my not notifications out pop up on my
Gene:Are you on the iPhone or, uh,
Defango:Yeah. I put it, I think I didn't put it into the schedule or something like that. I gotta fix that. I just need to delete everything on my phone and start all
Gene:because mine definitely pops up, so, but I know you can turn
Defango:are on them. Grifts are not on Son.
Gene:What do you mean?
Defango:The third annual grift award show.
Gene:I didn't know that was Zan or not on, or either
Defango:on. It's on right now.
Gene:really on YouTube?
Defango:girl, Eliza Blue, we got her to win in less than a month.
Gene:No way.
Gene:That's awesome. I, I did not know there was such a thing. Is the good tell, tell us about it.
Defango:Yeah, the Grift Awards, it's, uh, put on by Hotep Jesus. He's on YouTube and Twitter, and he calls it the Griess. This is the third time that he's had it going on. Last year, I believe Eliza actually presented an award and this dude has had her on his show or whatever, and then I did my thread. And in, within the month, like since the Britney Vente situation really, which is less than just a few days, she was not even nominated. She went to number one, nuMe Uno.
Gene:That's awesome. Yeah. She, her refusal to ask even basic or answer even basic questions on Tim when she was on was not a good look. And, you know, her whole thing is like, well, look, I, I've got a settlement. I can't talk about anything. It's like, okay, well that's fine. Settle. That's what she said. No, I think she said, I've got a settlement so I can't talk about anything.
Gene:Yeah. Which is fine, but, but then don't constantly be bringing it up every five minutes that you're a fucking survivor.
Defango:Yeah. You can't
Gene:You know? It's like, dude, you, you're not a survivor. You got paid for whatever happened. You don't wanna tell us what happened. Okay. But this is something that you, yourself has said effectively. You got paid for doing that thing that you didn't think was a good thing, cuz you took the settlement. That's what getting a settlement is. It's being okay with getting paid to do it. Not taking the settlement and fighting into court and exposing the person. That would be what somebody that was truly negatively affected would.
Defango:like, uh, Virginia Gore and the Jeffrey Epstein case.
Gene:I'm sure there's plenty of people that, that genuinely were trafficked by Epstein, but there probably were also some women that, and I don't know if maybe there was boys too, but uh, there's probably also some women that were perfectly happy taking a settlement, and that's okay. I like, I don't, I'm not gonna point a finger and, and called somebody, you know, a, a a whore or a slut or whatever. If they took a settlement after accusing somebody of doing something they didn't like, because that's, you know, I, in fact, uh, I'll give you this example, Jeremy, on his show, on a different topic, another one that they, I think he's on the wrong side of, where they were talking about, um, Crowder and. You know what Jeremy kind of forgot, disclosed until much later is that he and Crowder actually have had a business relationship for a while. So of course he's gonna be standing up for Crowder, but um, he said, yeah, if somebody gave me an offer 50 million, I'd fucking take it. I'm right there. I'm, I'll do whatever they want. So I appreciate, I appreciate him being honest about that. I think a lot of us that see 50 million as actually big money, which crowded does not, uh, would say, uh, yeah, yeah. Uh, I can suspend my personal beliefs for four years, walk away with 50 million, and then spend the rest of my life not working and just doing shit that I care about and including talking about how like nobody should do what I just did cuz it's a bad thing. You know? I mean, it's like, dude, once you walk away with the money you get, it's, it's the same argument for Joe Rogan. Right. I was very much disappointed that Rogan took the deal. From Spotify because it was immediately evident that they didn't like some of his guests and they didn't want them not only to appear in the future, but they didn't want their past appearances to be represented.
Defango:Mm-hmm. Yeah. And they took him down.
Gene:and they took him down. And then of course he was in a position where he had to deny all that. It was like, oh, no, no, no. It's just technical difficulties. No, they're not censoring anybody. Oh, really? Where's Alex Jones? Where, where are the interviews with um, uh, Jordan Peterson? Where, where is all that stuff? Because it, it all got taken down. So you're saying just random technical difficulties ended up removing the most controversial interviews that you had. Okay. Sure thing buddy. But, but what he
Defango:would've been fine with crowded if taking the money, but the way I look at it is that it's a rich asshole fight. I am not a rich asshole, so they can all equally fuck themselves.
Gene:Oh, it is a rich asshole fight and. The thing that I didn't like, and like I'm not a huge fan of Daily Wire. I don't watch any of their shows on a regular basis. The, the one that I probably watch the most, as stupid as it is, is, uh, Brett Cooper, cuz she's cute. But
Defango:why you watch Britney Venti too, right?
Gene:that's the only reason I watch Britney Man team. Yeah, of course. Why would I not watch somebody who's cute and entertaining? That's like, I'm a guy, okay. I'm a straight guy at that. So yes, I watch chicks that are cute and entertaining. I don't, I don't look at them for philosophical de deep discourse, you know, or political opinions. I, that's not where I'm gonna go for the, for the heavy lifting. But, um, but at the same time, I've sold multiple businesses for other people. I've lived in contract land for the last 30 years. It's literally a big part of what I do for a living. I write contracts and I negotiate contracts, and, uh, what was sent over was a totally normal, perfectly acceptable, initial low ball offer that anybody that he was talking to would've sent him. It has plenty of things that I would disagree with or would not want to take if that contract was sent to me, but I would never attack the guys that just gave me a 50 million offer and then go after them or, or really get other people riled up to go after them. And especially not if, you know, we're kind of frenemies, right? So we're in the same business. We're trying to target the same people, and we're both against the same groups of people. Like we're, we're ethically and politically aligned, but we have a disagreement about payment terms. That, like that to me is the total cock move. Not K, but c C o c k cock, uh, move that in my opinion, he did, is taking something that was a negotiation and then turning it into a, um, you know, emotionally charged, uh, these people need to be stopped, kinda argument. And then what he, and what, what he followed up with when he was on Tim cast, which a lot of people are like, oh yeah, no, he explained everything on Tim cast. He didn't do shit. First of all, he didn't answer a single question. Every one of his answers was a redirection to something else he wanted to talk about. Um, Tina asked him, well, now people are saying that you got, there was, you wanted more money, that it was about the money. You asked for more money. Instead of saying, well, you know, maybe even my, my agent started talking. But look, and then he goes after saying, look, he goes off on a totally different topic, ignoring the original question as though he just answered it, which he didn't.
Defango:Yeah, he was just like going around every single
Gene:Every single question. It was all deflection. And I, and he's passionate about it. Great. Congratulations. You're passionate about making money. Good for you. But it does not invalidate the points that Jeremy put up in that 40 minute video that he did that went all through the contract. I thought Jeremy was extremely honest and all his stuff. He's like, look, this is what we put in. We knew he'd ask for more. That's why we lowballed it. We wanted a lower starting point. So we'd meet somewhere in the middle where we could, a, we could afford, and B, uh, where, you know, he like, we'd know what of those things. He was most interested and had the strongest feelings about changing, and that's exactly what contract negotiation is. You, you start low ball, not just at the dollar amount, but also at the most restrictions. And the reason you start there is because you don't know. What does the person care more about? They care more about the money. They care more about having control of production. They care more about the ownership, the video content. Which of those things has the greatest value to that person when they respond with a red line to your original proposal, that's what you're gonna find out. You're gonna find out all those things and then you can decide, okay, well, given what they're coming back with, is this still a deal worth doing? You know, I, I get sent contracts for me on a regular basis. I have never signed a contract, well, let me, let me phrase this properly. Ever since I was older than 30 years old, I have never signed a contract that didn't have changes. Every contract I've gotten for the last 20 plus years has come in. I've pointed out things that I can't sign. I can't sign this. I disagree with that. This needs to change. That's not what we discussed. Send'em back to the other side's lawyer. There's some back and forth. And usually after a few weeks of that back and forth, we go through it. We come up with a contract that works, works for them, works for me, and it's not gonna be a contract that anybody else signed because it's a custom contract that I insist on creating, but they were okay doing because they want my involvement in whatever the thing is. That is normal. That is standard. And that's literally the thing that Crowder is pretending is bullshit and shouldn't exist. And nobody should sign a contract like this. And that company, our assholes are putting a contract like this. Crowder, you're an idiot. You clearly have zero experience in business, uh, to, to use the overused term. Stay in your lane. You're, you're a comedian, be funny. Don't be a business person. You're not good at it. So that's my take on it. What's your take?
Defango:My take on it is that he did a really big disservice to himself in future contract negotiations by taking the. Basically what he did in every shape of the word. I mean, it's just kind of like, this is something that you would've done to N B C to an actual big media company, conglomerate, something like that. Doing this to the Daily Wire. I mean, he might see it as being like a great way of, you know, bringing himself into the lime line some way. But essentially like that contract wasn't in bed with Big Tech. It's basic. It's a, it was a basic contract that anybody would have to sign and he wasn't being charged. It wasn't having to pay anything. I mean, they were just saying that, Hey, we're giving you X amount of dollars and you're gonna have to pay your freaking people out of the money that we're giving
Gene:And he's the one,
Defango:you know you're not gonna be getting extra money.
Gene:he's the one that wanted his people, they wanted him, they just wanted to get him and produce him like they do for literally every other person that's under contract with him. He is the one that pushed back on that and said, no, no, no, no. I am, I have a great team I work with. I want to have my team producing it. Okay. That's your choice, dude. It's not gonna increase the money we pay you. Like if you wanna bring your own team and pay'em outta your own pocket, God bless you, more power to ya. You're not gonna bring your own team and then tell us we have to pay. We have a team that we think is better, but you don't wanna use our team. You want to use your team. If you wanna use your own team, you're gonna paying for that team out of pocket.
Defango:it's gonna come outta your contract.
Gene:And, and, but everybody on the internet, if you read comments, all these people are clueless about contracts. They've never been in any kind of negotiations. It's like, it's like fucking NPC land out there. It's like no one's ever gone through this. No one's had it explained to'em by lawyers. No one's dealt with contracts. They think a contract is something that you either sign or you don't sign and you don't have anything. No, everything's fucking negotiable. And I'm, I'm, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how many people don't understand this, but they clearly don't understand this because they, they're very much on the Crowder side. It's like, well, they should have offered a better deal, dude. That's called negotiation
Defango:Yeah, let's go negotiation.
Gene:Have you ever been to like a tourist market in Mexico?
Gene:you buy the shit for the price they tell you it is Hell no,
Defango:most everybody haggles those people because they just want to pay less. You know? They
Gene:Hey, how much is that seashell? Oh, that's a beautiful seashell. That's$35.$35 for a seashell. I'll give you 10. Oh shit. I only have nine in my pocket. I'll give you nine.
Defango:and then they take it and
Gene:They fucking take it cuz it's worth two bucks.
Defango:Mm-hmm hmm. Yeah. It's because they found it somewhere, wherever they wanted to find it. I understand
Gene:Or they bought it from a kid that they paid two bucks to. It's it like everything
Defango:no, they didn't even pay that kid two bucks. It was probably their kid that found it in the morning.
Gene:Yeah, but E, either way. I mean, my point
Defango:I've been down there, dude, I've seen, I've been to like Rocky Point, I've been through Mexico City and a bunch of other places and we used to like, half of the ti reasons we used to go down there was cuz we were taking stuff that people needed, you know, like clothes and, you
Gene:like water.
Defango:items that, that they actually could utilize down there that they just simply couldn't get or
Gene:un uncontaminated water.
Defango:now. They wouldn't have a problem with water. At most of the places that I had, they just. Yeah, most of'em actually had the purifiers or whatever, even if it was kind of messed up, I think though that's cool. I just look at this whole, like that whole situation and I was like, that's not where the culture is. You know, temple might think that this is the culture, this is the moment that people wanted to see, but I mean really it kind of just made Temple Daily Wire and fricking crowder in my eyes, just, they all look like a bunch of clowns because they're acting just like the corporate media in in a lot of different ways and it's just not what we wanna see from these people. And that's why I'm like kind of laughing about the Eliza situation to bring that back. Because if you look at these guys, these are all the same ones that you know aren't speaking up.
Gene:ones. Mm-hmm.
Defango:they're trying to protect whatever, you know, grift, they got going, they planned this shit out. You know, this isn't, you know, th this didn't happen in, over the last
Gene:Oh, it's just so random that,
Defango:month out.
Gene:um, Candace was on Tim Pool the next day after Crowder's thing, and then Crowder's on two days after that. That's just totally random.
Defango:And then they set that up, like, yeah, it just got set up in
Defango:last three days. You know, um, Crowder set that, or he created that web link a month ago.
Gene:Right. And, and and it turns out Jeremy's the one who had built it for him, so it's like, it's all super incestuous. Everybody's fucking everybody else.
Defango:They're all doing their little things together and you know, they act like they, they act like people like me don't see, and you know, like, I try not to like blow the cover, but you know, like when I have the producer, you know, Tim Katz's producer, like messaging me, she's not messaging me to get me on the show. Okay.
Defango:messaging me to shut up or she's messaging me because, you know, she's like, can you try to get them to stop? And I'm just like, I can't get these people to stop. Are you kidding me? Like,
Gene:dude, you should have said, of course. I can just bring me on the show.
Defango:yeah. I was like, yeah, I'll get'em to stop. You bring me on the show. That'll shut'em all the fuck up. But
Defango:don't even ask. I
Gene:I've been trying to get Adam on Tim cast for like three years, and it's just, there's something clearly that, no, there's something there that, that just turns him off to having Adam on, even though He is been on Rogan five times now.
Defango:Yeah, he's been on rugged five times now, but Tim won't have Adam on for whatever reason. And Adam's probably. But the thing is, is Adam hasn't done anything crazy big that's noteworthy in their space. You know, it's gotta be some kind of big drama situation that they wanna talk about in order to get it going. And I mean, to it, it's all mostly Cassandras. She's the one that books pretty much all the guests for
Gene:Yeah, that was my impression as well. Yeah.
Defango:Well, I mean, that's a correct impression.
Gene:I guess the, the interesting thing is that
Defango:with the damn
Gene:we, we did have a lot of reveals happen as a result of this. Like, for example, we found out how much Tim cast made last year, which was$9.8 million.
Defango:It's a lot.
Gene:that wouldn't have come out if this didn't happened. Um, we also, uh, you know, we found out how much Jeremy makes. We found out how much Tim cast was offered by Daily Wire, which again, would not have come out otherwise. Um, and incidentally it was more than 50 million, which made Crowder's eyes kind of bulge a little bit because I think he assumed that he had the biggest offer Anybody'd ever had from, uh, daily Wire. And it, as it turned out, even Tim had already refused an offer bigger than that. So, and I guarantee you the deal with Jordan Peterson is in the hundreds of millions, it is not even 50 million, uh, that to get him, they had to have spent real
Defango:probably got like 10 million, dude. Come
Gene:Yeah. It, it's, it, it's, uh, you know, I think it put some things into perspective. It also, uh, made people say how many people work for him. Like Tim Cast has 30 people, way too many for what size he is. Uh, Crowder has 30.
Defango:Wait, wait, no. Temple has 30 people. He's got 30 of the most in that people working
Gene:cheap. The one thing I will say is of those 30 people, the average salary's probably 65,000, most of'em are super
Defango:most is Cassandra, and even then she's the one that does, I feel like she does a lot of work and she gets like most of the guests and set up, so like, but what are all the rest of them doing?
Gene:There's, I think there's a lot of, you know, hangers on and.
Defango:and Cast Castle and,
Gene:Uh, yeah. Cas Castle, which I can't believe anybody watches. I tried to watch that little Zoomer show. They have pop culture crisis a couple of times. It is painful. It is. It was on the level of like YouTube videos of people that have like 500 subscribers.
Gene:Wait, they, they have way more than that. They have 50,000, but the, the conversation is on the level of somebody that just started doing that and is not particularly good at it.
Defango:Hmm. What are you talking about? This, oh yeah, I'm looking
Gene:Girls Girl
Defango:It's, yeah. This's a girl and that one dude,
Gene:Yeah, the Girl and the One Dude. Exactly. It's a, it's a zoomer
Defango:know where they bought this fricking, I know where they bought this fricking streamer thing from. It's just a canned thing that they probably paid maybe 25 to 50 bucks for to get all of the assets, to put all of this together. And they're obviously just running this thing from O b s dude,
Gene:Yeah. Yeah, of course. They're totally
Defango:just recording it from O
Gene:mm-hmm. Yeah. But, you know,
Defango:they got some nice, it looks like they have some, like, you know, a decent setup.
Gene:well, it's Tim's setup. I mean, they're they're
Defango:have 50,000.
Gene:50,000 subs. Yeah. How many of those
Defango:very many more. Yeah, they're none
Gene:The interaction is nothing. The interaction is nothing on
Defango:I got five K subs and I get sometimes as many views as they do, which
Gene:Right. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I, I think, all right. You, you ready for some feedback on you?
Defango:Well, you're
Gene:would you like me
Defango:feedback. I don't want any feedback. I
Gene:you like me to wait?
Defango:on purpose. There's a reason that I have the best worst show is because it is the best one. That is the worst. You know, I do everything wrong and I do everything horrible just to piss people off. The only thing I ever even worry about is the audio, and it's still a game to me to just mute the microphone and just keep talking and like just fuck with people. You know? Like
Gene:Okay, we'll check that one off the list
Defango:Okay, so gimme your, gimme your feedback so I can not apply it to the
Gene:Okay. Okay. First, first. I watched one of your episodes from like four years ago. Four or five something, something like that. You gained some weight, dude.
Defango:Yeah, it's cuz I've just been doing nothing,
Gene:Yeah, I know. Same here. I did as well. Um, so I'm, I'm on the January weight loss kick. Um, that would probably be a good thing for you as well, just saying.
Defango:I'm always the same. I've weighed the same amount. I weighed the same amount that I weighed
Gene:Well your lens must have gotten more wide
Defango:a different camera.
Gene:cuz you
Defango:just, I have a hd, I have a HD camera now as opposed to like this piece of shit.
Gene:may maybe go back to the old school Um, no. All kidding aside, I mean, I, I think for all of us, it's probably better to lose a little weight. Um, so the, the other thing is, I, I feel like whenever I've had you on and whenever, even when we've just talked, you know, without even being recording right. Um, like you're a lot more coherent, when I, when I watch you on the show, it kind of feels like sometimes you lose track of what the hell you're talking about.
Defango:Yeah, sometimes, you know, if
Gene:Is that real or is that a put on?
Defango:no, that's usually real. It's all live. So, you know, like there's put on, uh, you know, I have
Gene:Well, I don't know if you're acting a character.
Defango:but it's not a character. It's just me doing my show. So it's just like, some people are like, is he like fucking acting or whatever, and I'm like, no, I just say crazy shit sometimes or whatever. Just relax. Like, or when I talk about the death stuff, you know, be like, yeah, I've done a couple of times. It's not a big deal. Most people, you know, they wanna know more about that and I just gloss over it cuz it's not important,
Gene:Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean,
Defango:you gotta, you gotta leave little tidbits for people to like, you know, eventually come back and pick up. Right?
Gene:well, you do, but that's the thing is like, I would love to have you get an audience that is a lot more representative of the quality of the information you put out there,
Defango:Yeah, that's what I want to, I wish I could get some people to make some donations. I mean, I know I actually have to ask for'em like a whore, but I refuse to do that cuz or whatever. I'm
Gene:I, think, I think part of
Defango:links back in there though.
Gene:yeah, links. Links are good, but I think part of it too is just, you know, it's a numbers game. Like if you can double your. Viewership, you'll probably double your donations almost automatically. So getting, getting more folks to actually tune in because the thing you do is you do this regularly enough, like I've tried four, maybe five times now of like getting out and putting out regular content on either YouTube or Twitch. And inevitably I can't, last past a month, I just get bored with this shit. I'm like, ah, I don't wanna stream, I just wanna play a little video game and be done. And like, not have to talk, not have to interact. I just wanna focus on the goddamn game and not think about it. Um, you know, doing podcasts to me is very different cuz it's a much more discreet amount of time and uh, it's, um, it gets pushed out there to the subscribers automatically. Like, they may not listen I guess, but, but I, I'm not competing for their time. Like I would be with a live stream, you know what I mean?
Defango:Yeah, makes sense.
Gene:So, I don't know. I mean, look, it's your, it's your show, obviously. I just, I watch you whenever I get an opportunity to, and I would love to see those numbers going up instead of staying static for you, because I think you've got good stuff there.
Defango:well, even, hopefully all this new attentions will, uh, will help that along its way. I finally went up like, you know what, 300 subscribers? That's pretty good.
Gene:Well, I've been like, I, all these people that we've been talking about, you know, Britney, uh, quartering, like I've been leaving messages on with him on a regular basis. Like, you get, you gotta check out Def Fango, you see more of his content. This is, you know, just tip out the iceberg. Like, I'm trying to promote the hell are you, ma'am?
Defango:Yeah, well, it's, I mean, I try to promote the hell out of me too. It's just, I do really long stuff sometimes, so some of these bigger channels, they haven't got the time to go, you know, like sift through it. So I have to get back to making smaller videos. I'm just
Gene:I think that's the thing is I think that if you just started chopping up some of your live streams into the
Defango:to hire somebody to
Gene:Yeah, yeah. Get a, get, maybe get an editor, but chop'em up into the, the u YouTube, what are they called? YouTube clips or YouTube, uh, you know the stuff that's in the vertical format, the stuff that's in the format
Defango:Maybe the universe will bring me somebody that can actually do that shit for me for free. That'd be great.
Gene:Well, nothing happens for free there. You always pay for it one way or another.
Defango:That's not true. I do shit for free all the time. I'm about ready to get some free shit done for me. I need some free shit done.
Gene:free shit done for you. Well,
Defango:Yeah. I did this whole Eliza Blue thing for free,
Gene:Well, you did it
Defango:people tell me that I couldn't do QAN on. They're like, yeah, you would never be able to do something like QAN on you. You can't make anything go viral. Suck it.
Gene:Yeah. That, that was good. No, that was very
Defango:Yeah. That's pretty good, huh? Yeah.
Gene:but what, how did you get Britney to repost your stuff?
Defango:A girl notice shares her secrets.
Gene:Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Defango:Actually, I didn't get her to do it. It was everyone else that got her to do it.
Gene:Yeah. So that's, that's the, the trick is you, you need to like mobilize the people that do enjoy what you're putting out there
Defango:Mm-hmm. Well, I mean, that's what we've done on, you know, Twitter basically, you know, like I've been using Twitter to put out stuff and I've done a bunch of threads that have, you know, like taken some people down some notches. They went from having hundreds of thousands of people to having 10,000 people. Now they're only having like a thousand people, which to me is pretty successful that, you know, the, this is how much they're getting. Put off on their speaking points and it's just like, I got, you gotta keep doing it cuz it's like, dude, you're listening to a guy that literally scam people for, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Oh my God, that you're following this person and this is what they used to do. So let, I think that's where I think I've always basically been shining because I've always been able to just dig up stuff and I don't really care about putting it out there. And then the worst part is, is that, oh, you want, you wanna look into somebody's history. I'm the first guy that will give you, you know, a thread with all of my shit on it and be all like, so you know, there's it all, you know, like, you know, here you go. I expect you to find at least all of this stuff you can find. Anything else, you just let me know. Okay.
Gene:Yeah. Yeah. And, um, so if somebody is looking for that, go ahead and mention all your, your, uh, accounts.
Defango:Well, you could definitely find me on YouTube and Twitch at Mer or Manuel Dago. Manuel Dago. That's where you could find me. Or you could find me on Twitch at Dago. Same with DLI and Rumble. I think I just use Manuel Dego on YouTube at uh, Twitter because Dago got banned.
Gene:Oh, Dago got banned.
Defango:I always come back to life. See, like I come back to life in real life and online.
Gene:I thought you changed your YouTube name from Dago to something else.
Defango:No, they deleted my account and then I had a second account called Merlin Dego that I've been just cha, I changed the name to Kang Pirate for like a really long time just to like, you know, just in case, you know. And then as after YouTube seemed like it was getting all right, I slowly snuck it back in there or whatever. And then, you know, things have been all right. I've been getting some strikes, you know, they obviously know it's me. They obviously know everything and they're letting it slide, so I just let it, you know, I just try to be pc, you know, as PC as I can be. I mean, I still cuss like a sailor and shit, but that's neither here nor there. I'm
Gene:to me, the, the best response to the new YouTube rules where you, you shouldn't cuss in the first, what is it? Eight seconds of the video, something like that. The best response was, uh, from, uh, Linus Techs, you know, alliances.
Defango:of course.
Gene:Okay. One of the biggest tech
Defango:doesn't know where that
Defango:you? What it what? Are you kidding me,
Gene:kind of schmaltzy, but yeah, he's entertaining. But the best response I saw from him on the first video after that came out, his video starts off with the first eight seconds. Basically being a tone and a old school. There is, uh, no signal on the broadcast tv. it's like that little, little square box with, you know, some texts and shit. But it, it's the signal that you would typically see between satellite broadcasts, between something and something else began if you're old enough. And, and he did that for the first eight seconds of the show and he says, all right, now we got that shit outta the way, I was like, okay. That is fucking a great response.
Defango:Yeah, I don't, that's why I just play a music video for like the first three minutes of my show. It's funny too, cuz everybody asked me, they're like, did you make that? And I'm like, fuck no. I stole that from somebody.
Gene:Oh, you did? I didn't know that. I thought you were creative and shit.
Defango:No, what, like, what you thought I could make that fucking
Gene:I don't know. I thought, well, that's pretty impressive that he made that. At
Defango:No, I didn't make that. I fucking, the, there's a story behind it. This is a funny story, but I was, um, I was at a music festival and I was, uh, partaking in some of the DMTs and uh, I was at the specific festival and I had just invented something with some of my friends. Maybe we didn't invent it, but we'd had discovered it, which is that we were able to create a D M T that was capable out of a vape pen basically. So the same kind of pen you'd smoke like, you know, cannabis out of, you could smoke d m T out of. So it was really nice so we could like walk around and, you know, Give it to people so that they could take off. But I met one guy, his, his name was Globe, the guy that actually created the song and the, you know, like he had another friend of his like, actually make the video or whatever. But, you know, we sat and he was saying that he wanted to experience, you know, something, he wanted to experience that. So like, I sat him down, you know, he sat in my lap, you know, we did a little ceremony or whatever so that he could take off. And then he was
Gene:He sat in your lap.
Defango:yeah, I sat down on your lap. You know, you gotta lay down. There's a whole thing to it. There really is. You know, they lay down, but you know, they gotta like, lay in your lap. You gotta minister it to them, and then you gotta watch them. So, you know, like if anything weird goes on, you wanna be close though, you know, you, you wanna be next to him.
Gene:I, I've never done it. I got close to doing an Ayahuasca thing, but, um, the guy that I was gonna do it with died, so I ended up not doing it.
Defango:Well, that, well this guy, he basically was like, after that we got friends and he was just like, yeah, dude, if you wanna use my music for your show or whatever.
Defango:So, you know, like he gave me a
Gene:Oh, that's cool. Nice.
Defango:I picked what I wanted.
Gene:That's very cool. No, I, I, I had that kind of thing happen with Moby, so I, I got free use of, uh, one of his tracks.
Defango:See, that's dope. That's dope. See I was using it for, I, for the longest time I was using tracks by Flaming Osis on YouTube. But he went, her, he finally got, you know, like a real, uh, contract. So can't really use them like I used to Anymore.
Gene:Hmm. Yeah,
Defango:stuff though. Yeah.
Gene:there, there's, uh, on the one hand there's like so much good music out there that you can't really use. But on the other hand, there's also so much new good stuff coming out all the time as well.
Gene:So, I don't know the, the other, just jumping back to, uh, Crowder for one sec. The other thing that was interesting that we got from him that I didn't know about was he talked about his de, what did he call it? Like, basically being minimized on YouTube and not promoted cuz he wasn't, uh, making money on it. Um, you know, because they weren't running ads for him. They weren't paying him, but also they weren't promoting him so people wouldn't get him showing up in recommendations, which is probably true. But the way they tested it is that when he used clips in his videos that were owned by somebody else and they got hit with a, um, uh, copyright strike, uh, as soon as that happens, then the ads get turned on because the money is not going to him, it's going somewhere else. And when the ads get turned on due to a copyright strike, they promote the video. And so his videos that had copyright strikes typically had eight times the engagement. Isn't that wild?
Defango:That is wild.
Gene:So there was a test. He didn't, they said he did it four times just to be sure that it, it is working this way. Is that, you know, he'd have a, a week worth of videos that all performed roughly the same way. And then he'd have one video where he used music or he had a clip of something that he knew was gonna end up getting that video. Copyright's stricken and it does. And then that video ends up doing eight times better in viewership. And then he doesn't have that for the next few videos and they're back down to his normal level. So what that tells him, which I think is probably correct, is that uh, if your channels demonetize, whether it's temporary or permanent, then the odds of somebody randomly getting you as a recommendation, even if your content is very similar to somebody else, is virtually zero. Like they'd have to literally go do a search for you specifically to get your channel and then become a subscriber before they would get any that your videos at all popping up in their feed. But when your videos are promoting something, or whether you're not demonetized, um, then they have some incentive to promote you as well. that was interesting. That was another thing that came outta this whole kerfuffle that, uh, I didn't realize was happening.
Defango:Yeah, it happens a lot. I mean, that kind of shit's happened to me. That's why I train not to play anything, copyright it or anything on my shows anymore,
Gene:But that's my point, is maybe you
Defango:to get up.
Gene:maybe you should, because that would get you more reach and it would get your, your, uh, because you'd lose the, the pathetic funds that you're making. Okay, let's just be real. They're pathetic. You would lose that for that video. But if you trade that in for your video getting promoted more randomly, isn't that worth it?
Defango:Yeah, it is worth it.
Gene:And then you get to play copyrighted music. And who, and not care.
Defango:I just have to usually worry about, um, what's actually happening with my, not the revenue itself. I just have to worry about strikes. So, you know, I'll probably try that once I start losing strikes.
Gene:But I don't know, man, every time I've ever. Every time I've gotten a, uh, copyright strike, it's always been music, and they've never cared. All they do is they
Defango:community guidelines, strikes,
Gene:Right, right. But that's, but I, that's what I mean. I don't like if you have a committee guideline strike, there's a difference between that and a copyright strike for using music.
Defango:Correct. But, you know, I don't
Gene:you just don't wanna risk it, is what you're saying.
Defango:Yeah. I didn't wanna risk it. I'm not risking anything until my
Gene:90 days is up. Yeah.
Defango:Yeah. Which is March on the last one.
Gene:Okay. Yeah. But definitely try it afterwards. Like try just putting in some blatantly commercial music that is, you know, available. They'll, they'll give you that strike. There's no penalty. They'll just take the funds from that, the, the video, and then see if it does the same thing that Crowder's talking about, which is, it's actually increasing the reach of the video. And if it does, I think frankly that's, that's a. That's such a good way to get YouTube to promote you. And all you lose is the little bit of revenue, which is probably well worth it.
Defango:I definitely like it. Well, that's a very interesting thing to try out for sure.
Gene:Yeah, yeah. Like that'd be, that'd be cool. Um, so, and I don't have a channel anymore that is monetized, uh, not because YouTube did anything, but because my number of subscribers went below a thousand. Um, so I used to have a, um, you know, gaming channel that was monetized back in the day, and then I had another channel that was monetized. And then, uh, I just, every time I try something different, I start a new channel. And when I started the last gaming channel, I didn't do it in the same channel I used to run it in before, so those subs dropped down to like 800. Uh, and then the new channels never gotten over a thousand. So I like, I don't even worry. I literally don't lose anything if they give me a copyright strike for music, cuz I wouldn't have been getting any revenue anyway.
Defango:Yeah, I didn't have to worry about that, but for a while there they were putting us down for even having anything like that. So I just try to,
Gene:Yeah. Well, and this is all the, like, the conversations I have on a podcast I would never do on YouTube, because, you know, I'd probably be banned fucking YouTube. Um, because we're talking like during Covid, we were talking about the Covid lie, you know, there right now with the whole, uh, Ukraine situation talking about all the blatant propaganda and lies coming from the US and what's actually happening there. So all these topics are verboten on YouTube. Um, so, which is why I, I did try with one of my podcast co-hosts, do a locals show basically a, a show just for, um, supporters and, uh, Yeah, I think we did like six episodes and it was just like, yeah, that it's probably not worth spending time on just for the handful of people that actually send money in. So we, we stopped doing it. Um, but I don't know, I, I just, YouTube is definitely not the place for political shows in my opinion.
Defango:Not anymore.
Gene:No. Yeah. It used to be. You're absolutely right. But these days I think the only way that that really works is, and I, I don't like this format, but I think it's the only thing it's working is like a lot of people are doing, you start your show on YouTube and um, uh, what's the other one? The, uh, goddammit, what's the other second most popular site after YouTube? You know the one I'm talking about Rumble. So you start your show, you do'em on both Rumble and. And then like an hour or a half hour into the YouTube one. You just tell your people. All right. And then the rest of the topic we're gonna talk about, I can't talk about on YouTube, so if you want to continue watching, flip it over to Rumble and then so that way you're still using YouTube essentially to promote your Rumble show.
Defango:Yeah, I've seen a lot of people do that, but that's definitely
Gene:I don't like it from a user standpoint, but I completely understand why they're, they're doing it.
Defango:Yeah, I get why they think that it's a good idea, but essentially it's really not.
Defango:Cuz you can get in trouble on YouTube for doing that. It's against the t os,
Gene:What's being on a different channel.
Defango:um, using your YouTube channel to like send people over to another one. They got mad. They get mad about that.
Gene:Yeah. Well, We'll see. Plenty of people are doing it. I mean, I think the alternative for some people is just, they, they literally would not they wouldn't do a show on YouTube. Um, cuz even like Tim Cast, you know, I, I'm a member of his donators club or whatever, and so I get all the, uh, after hours content, uh, which is just for donators. And a lot of times that's the most interesting stuff because it's the stuff they can't do on YouTube.
Defango:I dunno. Everybody has a different, you know, operation. I just try to stick to the way that I'm doing mine cuz right now it seems to be working. I'm actually getting growth. So, you know, I don't wanna screw anything up
Gene:All right.
Defango:my strikes come off. And then once the strikes come off, I might try to do some different stuff. But right now I'm just trying to stick to live streams and doing shorts because that's what YouTube wants you to do.
Gene:Yeah. Shorts. That's what it was. I forgot what they were calling them. Yeah. Yeah. So, and that's the thing is I, I've also seen plenty of other people doing this, including Jeremy, um, is, uh, chopping up your actual live content into short
Defango:Yeah, I just don't have anybody to do that for me. I don't have time.
Defango:It takes a lot of work, man.
Defango:know, like you have to have employees. I don't have employees. I don't even have enough money to pay for myself. So it's like you can only do what you can do. Like I have enough time in the day to. work and then make the minuscule amount of content that I like put out. You know, today I don't even have any time to put anything out cuz I already gotta get back to work.
Gene:Right, right. Well, hopefully, uh, you know, you, you, you keep the teapot boiling here and more people end up finding out about you and, uh, Signing up and inevitably leading to more donations coming in.
Defango:Yeah, yeah. Maybe, but you know, that would require, that would require me actually, you know, trying to ask for that. But, you know, I'd rather just work so
Gene:I, I know, I know.
Defango:I tried that a long time ago and then, you know, YouTube canceled me or whatever and, and you know, now I'm like, Nope, you always have to have a job. And you know, like that's just basically it, you know, eventually maybe I'll get to be the size of Jeremy or you know, some of
Gene:Well, I, I would love to come on your show, uh, when you get bigger to promote myself.
Defango:Yeah, that's what most people wanna go on. And, you know, I don't even like promote myself when I, I even like promote myself when I go on to other people's shows. Although it has been weird getting invited onto some of these, like, bigger platform shows and I'm just kind of like, uh, you really don't want to have me on your show right now.
Gene:I dunno.
Defango:I'm all like, have you read the thread on me? And they're like, no. And I'm like, well read this thread. And then, you know, like, tell me that you wanna me to be on your show. Okay. Because this is all the things that people are gonna say about me that could get you in tr of that, you know, could get you canceled or
Gene:my God. Who gives a shit drama, gets views.
Defango:Yeah. Maybe sometimes.
Gene:Uh, usually that's the default. I'm not saying it's good, but it does get the views. It's um, uh, there are definitely trends that pop up on YouTube and, and even on Twitch of things that work because they work even if they have nothing to do with what your content actually is. You know, like, you know, somebody playing chess while sitting in a hot tub, what the fuck?
Defango:Yeah. That's more, sounds more like Twitch.
Gene:Yeah, that's definitely Twitch. But there, there is there. Different types of trends and, and the stuff that I've heard about the YouTube shirts, shirts, shorts, is, um, people are blown away at how well those work to get you a bigger audience.
Defango:Yeah. That's why I'm flowing, focusing on those as opposed to just doing live streams because much harder to get in trouble doing a short than it is doing a live stream.
Gene:yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, and another thing is, you know, it's nobody says your live stream has to be that long. You could do shorter live streams as well.
Defango:True. That's what I've been trying to do. But sometimes, you know, just to get it all out, you gotta go through, I'm always cutting content for my streams because I have a lot of stuff that I want to talk about,
Gene:Really? Oh, I didn't get that impression.
Defango:less. So, you know, like I still don't even talk about half the links that I do, or I need to half the time because, and then I'm always censoring links that people are sending me. You know, like they send me all kinds of, like, there's sometimes that people send me just nothing but Covid links and I'm just like, I can't fucking do covid content. Stop sending me fucking covid
Gene:Well, and it's Like, what else do we need to hear about Covid at this point? I think most of the, yeah. It's like everybody knows what we were saying from the get-go, turned out to be exactly true, so,
Defango:I was like, you guys, I was looking, I was like, guys, we got banned from YouTube for using the government's data on a daily basis and going over over it for you. That's why we got banned. I was like, every time I've gotten a strike, it's because of Covid and you guys keep on asking me to do more Covid content. And I'm just like, are you fucking, you guys are fucking retarded sometimes. That's why I'm not nice to people, you know? I'm like, Jesus Christ, man. I'm like, fucking think about it. I'm like, yo, you all need to fucking think about this shit. At least a little bit like you guys, I don't understand, you know? Like, I don't know. For me, my show's always gonna be the, I think for the next couple of months it's always just gonna be whenever I can, cuz I have to focus on working, you know? Like I keep bringing that up because, Like, I gotta get out there and go, I ain't gonna be able to pay my fucking rent. You know, like, I gotta worry about that shit. That's something that I'm constantly having to worry about and I think that a lot of people don't forget that, you know, I can't sit on YouTube all day long anymore. Or your
Gene:What you mean? You, you, you didn't take your offer from Daily Wire. It's
Defango:yeah, I, I don't got an offer from anybody, you know, I have contracts that I gotta fulfill or whatever, and when I don't, I gotta get out there and, you know, work, you know, like right now I gotta get out there and go work.
Gene:Well, you know, maybe if you, uh, if you get, get a few interviews done with some. YouTubers and you can go talk to Daily Wire, get your offer.
Defango:Yeah. Maybe. I don't think so. I've, I'm pretty sure
Gene:you do, can you do five ads
Defango:directly to Jeremy. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I've talked enough shit to Jeremy. Boring that, uh, I'm pretty sure he's not gonna want to have me around.
Gene:maybe. Maybe Well, hey, you can always go talk to Crowder
Defango:I've talked enough shit about Crowder too, and
Gene:his company
Defango:I've talked enough shit about all of these people, even Jeremy from the Quartering, that I was surprised that I even ended up on his show. Like even if it was for, you know, like 10 seconds and he said my name. I was very surprised. I
Gene:He said in a couple different
Defango:I was like, holy shit bro. Wait, I didn't hear that. Nobody told me any that. I watched all of them. I didn't hear my fucking name. I heard it one time.
Gene:Really? No, it was twice. I told you about one of'em for sure, but no, he mentioned it twice. Once when he was on with Britney. Uh, and then once
Defango:wasn't on his show. That was on Britney's show.
Gene:They were both streaming at the same time.
Defango:Oh, I didn't realize that.
Gene:Yeah. Uh, and then one son just, uh, his usual, one of his five a day recordings. He's very
Defango:for me.
Gene:No, it is, it is good. And, uh, I mean, again, I would just love to have you actually in conversation with those folks, not just be a ten second mention. So,
Defango:makes sense.
Gene:anyway, well, um, I gotta wrap things up here. I, I don't want to cut you off too short, but, uh, I do have to get going and, uh, make a couple of more, uh, recordings of shit that I don't get paid for. So,
Defango:That's how it goes, man. That's what being a content creator is. You make a bunch of shits for recording that you hope you're gonna get paid for.
Gene:I don't,
Defango:It's like being an artist except for artists. They make art and then they hope they're gonna get paid for
Gene:They, they do. Um, and I, dude, I got paid so much more for the art that I've done than for podcasting. But, but that's another story. Um, but either way, uh, it was fun having you on. I always enjoy chatting with you and I pop in and, and watch you sometimes not live. Whenever I get an opportunity between, you know, all the other people I watched, like Tim Cast and, uh, Brittany, but
Defango:try to do my show around them. I used to do my show in that slot, so now I just don't even, I'm just like, well, nevermind. But, so it just sucks for me cuz now I have to either get, I only really have from three to 5:00 PM to do stuff every day. So it's like if I can't fit it within that time, you know, it's like I don't get off of work usually till like 11 or 12. Like I'm already late right now. But, um, I usually have to, you know, like I could probably do it at night. It's just that, you know, it's harder, it's much harder to get lots of people out,
Defango:uh, at nighttime, you know, like I did have like a pretty sizable star citizen audience, you know, I was like up to like 50 people or whatever, but
Gene:dude, everybody that I I, I've done with, uh, star Citizen, like, I've been doing stuff with Grumpy, grumpy Eye. Uh, so I've been in a bunch of his videos, um, for Star Citizen because I have the same opinion, uh, as him about all the UPS in that game. Um, but there again, and he's like, yeah, you know, I'll, I'll, I'll promote your channel. And I'm like, dude, I just don't make content regularly enough to worry about it. I'm, you know, I'm too focused on doing my, my podcasting to really do anything on YouTube with any regularity. It might be
Defango:You don't have to do anything in YouTube for later. You just have to upload your fucking podcast to YouTube.
Gene:Uh, did totally different
Defango:it, and then you just let it
Gene:I told you my podcast is politics. It can't, I can't do that on YouTube because literally like two thirds of the show would get me banned. So podcasting
Defango:banned, and then tell everybody you got banned off YouTube. It'd be great.
Defango:You'll become popular.
Gene:I, I already got banned off of, uh, Facebook and back in the day off of, um, uh, Twitter. Um, and I never got my account back. I actually just created a new account on Twitter, uh, which I'm okay with. I mean, I don't need my old account back, but it's, um, I find that podcasting is the best format for me, just given the, the political and very polarizing nature of a lot of my content. Like I can't be de platformed off of this.
Defango:Yeah, for now.
Gene:Well, I mean, I, I know the guy who runs the network, so I'm pretty good, pretty good for now. I'd really have to say something to, uh, piss him off.
Defango:Yeah. I don't think
Gene:Uh, and, and the infrastructure is all distributed and run in multiple countries and none of it in the us so there's very little chance of, of that de platforming. Um, and I, and I don't think anybody in Iceland listens to my podcast, so no one's gonna know what the hell they're hosting.
Defango:That's funny.
Gene:Yep. All right, dude. Well, I gotta run here, but again, appreciate you and, uh, by all means, uh, if, if you want me to pop in at some point, happy to do that as well. Um, otherwise, I'll just keep watching you.
Defango:Yeah, definitely. I'll probably have you on the show here, coming up here pretty soon. I just have to, you know, like right now I'm still waiting for strikes to fall off before I actually start pushing into content. Like super hard. I've been super selective on what I've been even talking about lately because
Gene:I hear
Defango:little bit of time, but you know, right now I'm just, you know, working a lot. So it's like I'm not really, you know, I was doing this thing online and it's been really fun, but it's been actually taking up time that I should be doing other things.
Gene:Yeah, and it's not hard for to get to that. You get in that loop and then you're stuck in it.
Defango:Yep. That's totally, sure, that's totally true.
Defango:Well, thanks for having me on, brother, and uh, appreciate you and then I'll definitely see you again on the next one, my friend.
Gene:All right. Take care.