Sir Gene Speaks

0083 Sir Gene Speaks with Dude Named Ben

Gene Naftulyev Season 2022 Episode 83

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Sir Gene:

This is sir, Gene join me once again is sir dude named Ben, how are you?

Sir Ben:

I do not smoke weed. Gene how's Mexico.

Sir Gene:

Yeah, it's I know some people think I secretly flew to Russia, but now I'm sitting with the sun and the, the swimming pool and the very warm weather here.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. I think there's only one person who thinks you're in Russia.

Sir Gene:

Wow. If I'm thinking of the person you're thinking of, he thinks I'm permanently in Russia,

Sir Ben:

exactly. So this could be our last episode of sir. Gene speaks together.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna fire your ass.

Sir Ben:

we actually decided on a, a, a name and it sounds like secret agent Paul's working on theme song for us.

Sir Gene:

Is he really? Wow. That's

Sir Ben:

He, he, he volunteered

Sir Gene:

That's great. That's great. I know there's a lot of good musical talent in the no agenda. The social I'm not one of'em. So

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

now, if,

Sir Ben:

I, I, I play the violin, but it's not, it does not qualify for this. So

Sir Gene:

Yeah. No, and I, I, I play keyboard, but you know, mostly accordion.

Sir Ben:

yeah. Well, I put a call out there and asking for help and he he piped up, so we'll see what he does.

Sir Gene:

Very cool. Very cool. So should we let the folks know what the name of the show.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

yeah, it it's gonna be super easy to remember just two good old boys.

Sir Ben:

And if, if you haven't seen Dukes of hazard, just Googled the Dukes of hazard theme.

Sir Gene:

Everybody seen DHA.

Sir Ben:

But now one, one thing you gotta note here is you actually have a good old boy and then you have the Russian spy. So

Sir Gene:

well, here's the thing. It's our domain, which will be we got it, but we don't have the podcast up on it. Hopefully by next episode, we'll have that on there. There, there might be a period of time where I post on both on the Sir Gene Speaks you can speaks and you know, prefacing every episode with, Hey, go sign up for the new podcast. As well as the new one, cuz I, I don't wanna just like start the new one and have, you know, five people listening.

Sir Ben:

well, there's some 2.0 features that can help you with that too.

Sir Gene:

I don't know if there are the,

Sir Ben:

There are some of the name, space stuff on forwarding of RSS

Sir Gene:

yeah, but we're not forwarding or changing. We're

Sir Ben:

Well, what you could do is temporarily do it is what I'm saying. So adding to the surgeon speaks feed a forward for X, Y, Z episodes. You can do it per episode.

Sir Gene:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I might be a way to do it. I'll figure it out for sure. Probably going to spend some time on that when I get back,

Sir Ben:

Cool, cool

Sir Gene:

out. So, I mentioned to you before we started, I've I've been trying to force myself to minimize internet time, which typically still means that once a day, I end up posting stuff on no gen social cuz I get on.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

I get on the

Sir Ben:

Gene I've got notifications turned on for you.

Sir Gene:

it's it's mostly once a day. I'm so what, what did I miss what's happening?

Sir Ben:

Well, a big redacted mess for one.

Sir Gene:

What's what's what do you mean?

Sir Ben:

Well, I'm not talking about Clayton Morris's podcast. I'm talking about the Trump affidavit.

Sir Gene:

Oh, I thought you were talking about the podcast.

Sir Ben:

no, man. They, they, so they finally released the affidavit for the radar Marla and the liberal media is going out and just being like, oh my God, this totally Trump's arguments. Everything, you know, he he's nailed to the wall

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

versus me reading it. I go, okay. They didn't tell us Jack shit. And I, if you go through and look at it easily over 50% of it is redacted and blacked out. And I mean, pages and pages and pages of redactions, and they didn't give us anything on their RA reasoning or rationale except this. So Trump turned over documents to the national archive

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

and some of them were classified. So they had reason to believe he may have additional classified documents.

Sir Gene:

boy that wouldn't stand up in court. As the reasons you could a warrant.

Sir Ben:

It's a general warrant, dude. It, it's not a specific enough warrant. It, this would qualify as a general warrant as far as I'm concerned

Sir Gene:

If somebody once turned in a stolen wallet, therefore he might have more stolen wallets at his house. That that is not, that is not warrant

Sir Ben:

it's not. Okay. And when you look at the, the, the fact that the, this is being run out of the DC office, not the Miami field office and it's the same agents. Well, not necessarily exactly the same, but the same department that ran crossfire hurricane

Sir Gene:

it's the same company.

Sir Ben:

dude, it looks dirty. This looks

Sir Gene:

It is dirty. FBI's been dirty for a long time, which is

Sir Ben:

Oh, the FBI's been dirty forever. I mean,

Sir Gene:

Yeah, and I, I like, I know some good guys in it, but man, there are a lot of bad guys in it and

Sir Ben:

You know, so as someone who has been asked to join INFR regard at a nauseum, and I have just said, why the fuck would I do that? You know, I, I, I don't see any value to the FBI at all. Break it up, get rid of it. The federal government doesn't have any policing power. Anyway, FBI, ATF, I can start naming organizations that need to just go

Sir Gene:

any three letter agency should probably be wound down. Yeah. I, so let let's focus. We'll get to the ATF stuff too. Let's focus up on the FBI. One of the things I did post is I found a funny little comic strip that has the in the next election in debates, the elephant debating with the FBI,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

the other party at this point is FBI. It is, it is not a political party.

Sir Ben:

was this comic strip by

Sir Gene:

No, God,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

no. This was a good quality

Sir Ben:

gotta step it up. Got it.

Sir Gene:

of all, he doesn't listen to this.

Sir Ben:

He does. He, I literally got, I literal GE I gotta tell you this, man. I literally got a notice on no agenda social from about star Trek, lower decks, because he started watching it. Cuz I mentioned it on this

Sir Gene:

oh my God. I'm gonna have to ban'em from listening.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

need, I need a new feature in podcasting 2.0 that lets me exclude somebody by

Sir Ben:

no, man. He, he he's good people. I like And plus he and I get to joke about you all the time.

Sir Gene:

Yeah, I bet you do

Sir Ben:

I mean,

Sir Gene:

well. I'm glad you like people that, that think I'm

Sir Ben:

I, I, after this, when we switch to the new name, you can't call it that anymore.

Sir Gene:

Alright, so yeah, FBI clearly is a political wing or the enforcement wing, I should say, of the big tech party.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

That's the best way to describe it.

Sir Ben:

Gene, have you ever looked at a picture of Jager? Hoover,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

pull one up Ask you a very specific question. If I

Sir Gene:

okay. Like a black and white one.

Sir Ben:

color, preferably,

Sir Gene:

Okay. Let me see if I can get a color one. And most of'em I've seen are black and white. Okay. Here's a color one. Sure.

Sir Ben:

is he black or white?

Sir Gene:

In the color image,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

it looks Italian. Got that big Italian nose. Brown eyes.

Sir Ben:

Mo and several others. And this is a whole theory that he was a black man that was passing.

Sir Gene:

Jacob Hoovers? No, he was not a black man.

Sir Ben:

There are people there, there are people who claim he had been family.

Sir Gene:

Okay. I

Sir Ben:

can go down the rabbit hole. I'm just saying, and if

Sir Gene:

not that hard to find you know, a lineage of somebody

Sir Ben:

okay, well try the rabbit hole. And when you look at how he treated Martin Luther king, and if you take him as a passing black man, then that is a very interesting self hatred sort of

Sir Gene:

dude. He's not black. I mean, Christ thanks. Come on.

Sir Ben:

well, at least we can say that he was on the same spectrum as Blair white, right?

Sir Gene:

I don't see any image of him wearing a dress.

Sir Ben:

no, he

Sir Gene:

I mean, I've heard that he liked men, but you know, so what,

Sir Ben:

No, apparently he was a cross dresser.

Sir Gene:

well, I thought he was gay

Sir Ben:

Maybe that too.

Sir Gene:

and that proves he's not black by the way. Cuz there are no black gay men. Everybody knows this. Yeah

Sir Ben:

you did you see the Blair white interview where Alex passed out?

Sir Gene:

I did. Yeah. And I think she just posted some follow up stuff

Sir Ben:

Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I would've expected based off of what they had said.

Sir Gene:

I mean

Sir Ben:

I mean, he was out of it,

Sir Gene:

he was totally out of it. Alex does not have a dial below 11. If he's gonna do something, he's gonna be dialed up to 11, whether it's being on his you know, talk radio show, whether it's it's being interviewed by somebody else, whether it's being in court. I mean, the guy's always on a love, not a 10.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Speaking of he's given Trump a month,

Sir Gene:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw, I heard that. Yeah.

Sir Ben:

he's given him a month to renounce the vaccines and, you know, keep his support. Otherwise he's going with the Santas

Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm well, I'm definitely going with the Santa. I don't need a month.

Sir Ben:

yeah. Well, here's the interesting thing. The Democrats are already pivoting and moving to hang Trump with the vaccines. Like they can't hide the dead bodies any longer and they're

Sir Gene:

Well, to be

Sir Ben:

blame it on Trump.

Sir Gene:

he did start it.

Sir Ben:

Warp speed, man. You, you wanna take credit for that? You get the credit for it, you know?

Sir Gene:

Yeah. So I'm looking at Jay Hoover's family tree and I don't see any black people in it.

Sir Ben:

There's someone who claims to be his niece that has decidedly black Mo has covered this on Mo facts. There's

Sir Gene:

can have

Sir Ben:

is not a,

Sir Gene:

after the fact. Yeah. I mean, if, if his I guess would be, if his brother had a kid who married somebody of the darker complexion. Well, why not? Sure.

Sir Ben:

that's not the way it worked, but anyway,

Sir Gene:

Well, I mean,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

she's his niece, she's gonna be his brother or sister's kid, right?

Sir Ben:

Right. But anyway, just go, listen.

Sir Gene:

Hey, you brought it up, man.

Sir Ben:

worth the theory. I, I personally, when I look at him, I totally see it.

Sir Gene:

What, what you got a kidney. What do you see?

Sir Ben:

I see a passable black person. Totally.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Yes, no characteristics of a black person.

Sir Ben:

Are you looking at the same photos? I am

Sir Gene:

Clearly you're looking at doctorate photos. I'm looking at actual photos. I'm looking at the KGB archives. What are you looking at?

Sir Ben:

well, I don't have access to that. So

Sir Gene:

Oh, they're all public now.

Sir Ben:

are they really.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. They're part of, well, I mean, you gotta use a Russian website to get to'em, but they're totally public.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. So this is actually his FBI portrait as director that I'm gonna send you.

Sir Gene:

Okay. I mean, look, you can mess with Photoshop and crank any color you want on the person's face. Honestly, there is no black or white. There is dark orange and light orange. We're actually orange is the color of our skin.

Sir Ben:

Well, at least Trump is

Sir Gene:

No, I mean, well, kidding aside, if you analyze the color spectrum that we are, we're actually a FA a light orange,

Sir Ben:

I mean, there is no such thing as the color black by that sort of statement.

Sir Gene:

for sure. Black is the absence of all the other colors.

Sir Ben:

Exactly. And that doesn't exist because light

Sir Gene:

So you're denying black people. Oh my God. Is this where we are now?

Sir Ben:

it absolutely is. Black does not exist.

Sir Gene:

Oh my God.

Sir Ben:

by the way, folks, we're recording this instead of our normal time. We're recording this on a Sunday

Sir Gene:

Yeah. That's why I sound a lot higher pitched

Sir Ben:

yeah, why I'm in a better mood.

Sir Gene:

Oh, really? Is that what it is? Okay. So next thing you're gonna say, Harry is Truman was Jewish.

Sir Ben:

well, duh.

Sir Gene:

you're you're you're two what's the phrase two waves. The win two leaves. I don't what the phrase you're clearly

Sir Ben:

I'm not, no, no. I'm just messing with Eugene. Anyway no, the, the whole FBI raid thing that, where we're at is just it's. I, I really feel like this is a jump, the shark moment. I know you don't, but I, the more that comes out with the affidavit, with where we're at, I really think it's slapping people in the face a little too much.

Sir Gene:

The, you, you mean it's slapping people that are seeing the power that the other party wields through the FBI. And

Sir Ben:

The fact that Hillary Clinton had however many emails on her personal server that were potentially have classified nature. The fact the Clintons literally robbed the white house on their way out. The fact that the Obamas had classified information that they ended up having to argue and turn over. I mean, yet we haven't seen an FBI raid of any other president. I, I, I think this is that jump, the shark moment where the other side thinks they have enough momentum. They are. So I I'll say super sillus of just, they have this confidence that. Everyone hates Trump enough that they can do this and they win a step too far and everybody stand back going, oh shit. What did you do? I mean, when Alan Deitz is coming out and saying that this is a absolute jump, the shark moment, no conservative there. And you know, Jeffrey Epstein fan this is a pretty big deal.

Sir Gene:

Hmm. Well, okay. But jump to shark, meaning that they don't care anymore, or what do you mean by jump to shark?

Sir Ben:

Jump the shark as in, they went too far and it is waking a lot of people up.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

I know liberals in my life

Sir Gene:

saying that forever.

Sir Ben:

I'm sorry.

Sir Gene:

People say that all the time. I don't remember a year of my life where somebody hasn't said yep. They've to they done it now they've totally jumped the shark. They've gotten insane. They've they can't go backed from this. And yet no one cares.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

I, I, you remember what I, what I said a few episodes ago, to me, the point at which something's gonna change won't happen until somebody in this country decides that the cost of their life is worth making change happen until that happens. It's just people watching the news for entertainment.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

So there have been some interesting developments in that. One there have been some conservatives that have taken a few steps, a little too far for me in my liking. And then also a note is that Marjorie Taylor green has been squatted a couple of times this week,

Sir Gene:

She's been swatted

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

well, but that's that, that is a typical kind of thing that I would expect the liberals to be doing because they're, they're two chicken shit to do anything in themselves. They're gonna leverage the police. They're gonna leverage the FBI. They're

Sir Ben:

their own guns, so they have to use the polices

Sir Gene:

what they exactly. They don't have their own kids, but that's why they can control what our children actually learn. They don't have their own guns, but they have the police and the FBI, you know, they've, they've figured out how to diss themselves a step away while still may maintaining control.

Sir Ben:

Well, regardless, Marjorie Taylor, Green's been swatted twice this week, so that's a

Sir Gene:

Yeah. It it's very unfortunate.

Sir Ben:

you know, it's a Congress person. So

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

can you imagine the left's response if it was Nancy Pelosi that got swatted.

Sir Gene:

Well I think we'd cancel all police period.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Yeah. Like, including in DC. Well, AOC Yeah. Well, first, first they'd have to figure out what she's currently living. Cause it ain't in New York and it ain't DC.

Sir Ben:

so what do you think is next for her after Congress fans only?

Sir Gene:

Oh, AOC. I think she's gonna be a commentator. She's gonna make a lot of money doing that. And then she's gonna run for president.

Sir Ben:

I, I, I, I bet you only fans is in her, in her future at

Sir Gene:

I'll bet you a buck. That's not the case.

Sir Ben:

her and

Sir Gene:

I mean, I know you're being funny, but it's all, all kidding aside. I think she's definitely gonna get picked up as a commentator on one of the TV stations

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

that will lead to her running for present.

Sir Ben:

well, I mean, it'll be a failed bid, but sure. Brand seltzer water, we talked about that last time, but it, it surprises me that he hasn't landed anywhere yet. So,

Sir Gene:

that's the the little ball guy,

Sir Ben:

Yeah. I mean, his ratings at CNN were abysmal enough that, and that the fact that a week has gone by and he hasn't landed somewhere. I think he's done.

Sir Gene:

Well, I don't know that he makes all that much money at CNN. I think he made more from HBO.

Sir Ben:

Well, but regardless if he hasn't found a home yet where who's gonna hire him, if you miss NBC,

Sir Gene:

on his next book. He's gonna write some scripts. He'll gonna have a bunch of pre-orders for those books in the millions of

Sir Ben:

This isn't the jerk off guy that got caught doing something bad. This is just a canceled show. So usually like when Megan Kelly get canceled and so on from Fox, she already pre announced and went somewhere else and, you know, da, da

Sir Gene:

okay, well, so are you worried about'em what's I don't understand the

Sir Ben:

no, I'm I'm. I just think he's done. That's all. I, I think he's it made himself irrelevant. That's my only comment.

Sir Gene:

it's a little too soon to say that

Sir Ben:

Maybe, but it's in the line of go woke or go broke that sort of

Sir Gene:

you know, literally he's only been off the area, the amount of time I've been on vacation. Not that long.

Sir Ben:

Well, how long are you playing on staying on vacation? Gene?

Sir Gene:

It depends. How long is it gonna take for him to get a job?

Sir Ben:

you're gonna stay on vacation until Brian seltzer gets a job. That, that

Sir Gene:

God damnit, I'm gonna wait it out.

Sir Ben:

I don't think your bank account's gonna afford that, but.

Sir Gene:

No, maybe, maybe not. We'll see. We'll see. No, I just, I look, I think it's it. Obviously, there's quite a bit of Shi in for, in the fact that the guy's laid off he's fired. And that's not a bad thing. It's good for people to experience a pleasure at other people's Spain. But I think it's a little too early to rate him off completely.

Sir Ben:

man. I don't

Sir Gene:

He may end up being the liberal Tim pool.

Sir Ben:

Oh, fuck that. I'm I'm watching his ratings over the years, looking at his ratings and I just don't see anyone picking up. He could be, he could be the Tim

Sir Gene:

There's a, there's a chance that he's gonna get on start his own video podcast. Talk about how he's finally been freed from the shackles of big media and basically just model himself on the liberal version of Tim.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

You've never seen those two together. Have you?

Sir Ben:

No, no, they're both bald

Sir Gene:

there's a, there's a reason Tim wears a hat

Sir Ben:

Yeah, they're both

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Speaking of, did you listen to Tim's new number two, hit single.

Sir Gene:

No, he's got a, a music thing.

Sir Ben:

He has published he has announced Tim cast records and put out a song and it hit number

Sir Gene:

I know he plays guitar, but I, I never heard him.

Sir Ben:

Right? He's singing.

Sir Gene:

Isn't he? Good?

Sir Ben:

I Hmm. Okay. So it is not my style of music. It is very, huh.

Sir Gene:

it's country.

Sir Ben:

No, I love

Sir Gene:

No. Oh,

Sir Ben:

I grew up on country and XO and everything

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Well, that's

Sir Ben:

I love good classic rock. This is very emo esque

Sir Gene:

Oh, is this like Seattle rock?

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Got it. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I don't like that shit.

Sir Ben:

Anyway, so I mean, I put it up there with what's that song. Oh my God. It, it it's very much, I lost the opportunity with a girl because she died sort of music

Sir Gene:

oh, okay. Like Melin, Cali,

Sir Ben:

I'm sorry.

Sir Gene:

like Mellon Kelly music.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, the undertones are definitely but he's, you know, he he's putting it out there, so whatever. But I just think it's a weird move for a, and he, he, he argues that, oh, I've been putting out music longer than I've put in, been putting out political commentary, dude. No, you haven't. You're known for political commentary. If you put anything on SoundCloud, no one ever listened to it before this. Thank you very much. You know,

Sir Gene:

Well, I know he's done a few, like he's been in the band of a few other groups. I know that.

Sir Ben:

He's making a big thing about having the drummer from offspring

Sir Gene:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember that. Cuz the guy got fired.

Sir Ben:

yep. Over the VAX

Sir Gene:

on that YeahAnd date? Mm-hmm yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, good, good for him. He's he's getting well, he didn't hit one though. That's too bad.

Sir Ben:

Not yet.

Sir Gene:

He is getting a lot of money from a lot of people, including the both of us at at least at some points

Sir Ben:

from you, not for

Sir Gene:

Yeah. He is definitely getting money from me and he's getting that sweet, sweet Putin money. just had to throw that in there anyway. So yeah, why not start up a label? Do you might as well?

Sir Ben:

It just seems like an odd move to me. I mean, I guess the daily wire is starting movies, but a label 10 cast records who the fuck's gonna sign with that. I just don't see that

Sir Gene:

Well, you know, the, the no longer liberal emo Seattle rockers,

Sir Ben:

And those exist where

Sir Gene:

well, he is got a band full than he

Sir Ben:

he's got something.

Sir Gene:

Uhhuh Ian Ian's in there, right?

Sir Ben:

I don't think he, I I'd have to go

Sir Gene:

Oh really? I thought Ian played

Sir Ben:

but I don't think Ian's in it.

Sir Gene:

Really? I thought Ian played bass.

Sir Ben:

If he did, I didn't see him in the music video, but I was half paying attention. I just played this all in once. So

Sir Gene:

Okay. Got it. Yeah. I have not listened to it at all. So.

Sir Ben:

Well, I'd be interested to hear what you think.

Sir Gene:

I'm pretty sure it would suck.

Sir Ben:

dude, it, it, it was a surprisingly emotional song for him to put out as his first one. Like it's over the top. What's that song? Talk for a second.

Sir Gene:

I don't know. I don't know what song it is, but I don't like most of that music, I probably don't like most rock that you like either

Sir Ben:

How so? Well, I mean, what, what kinds of music do you like

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

OV skis? One of my favorites, I play violin for Christ's sake. I love classical music.

Sir Gene:

Yes. Well, don't be so nerdy, but there's a, if you look at my audio collection, which is about 120,000 pieces of music which is also why I don't need to pay for somebody to play music for me, I already have all the music I want. Most of that is going to be things no one's ever heard of.

Sir Ben:

Such as

Sir Gene:

I mean, well, some people have heard of, but I have a lot of like early eighties, European music.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Like techno, not techno, but like precursors, techno, like Euro synth.

Sir Ben:

Okay. And by the way, the song I was thinking about that I could compare Tim cast's song two was Pearl jam. Last kiss.

Sir Gene:

okay. I've never heard of it. So wouldn't work

Sir Ben:

jam is or you don't know

Sir Gene:

I've heard of Pearl jam. I've heard of that group. I think they were around in the nineties or something.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Eighties and nineties. Yeah.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. But

Sir Ben:

where can I baby be? That you don't know that song really? I mean, this was a, actually a pretty big hit.

Sir Gene:

not what I was listening

Sir Ben:

very emotionally emo.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. I just think music was horrible in the nineties.

Sir Ben:

Okay. Well I'm sure will get it. The reference

Sir Gene:

Okay. Well I'm sure he will. Although maybe not. It depends on his age.

Sir Ben:

Way, he's paying me per reference. Just so everyone

Sir Gene:

I, I, I figured as much I'm gonna start charging you soon too.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

So the, what else am I, what, what else do I not know about? Cause so far, all your stories seem kinda like not really tied to anything that happened right now. I mean, I guess Tim's music came out, so that's

Sir Ben:

What do you mean? All my stories. So you mean like

Sir Gene:

Jagar Hoover was, has been dead for how long.

Sir Ben:

yeah, but that was in reference to the FBI story. So that was tied to Marla and the, the, the affidavit and everything I've talked about has been

Sir Gene:

Didn't didn't his somebody do a movie about him recently or something.

Sir Ben:

If they did, I didn't catch it.

Sir Gene:

I saw a photo of Shirley temple with him.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Did you see she Hulk

Sir Gene:

No, and I have no interest in seeing it.

Sir Ben:

dude, I watched part of the first episode and it is so bad. It is. It is. It's like

Sir Gene:

see, I, I watch

Sir Ben:

if MGT made a FM explainer

Sir Gene:

exactly. I, I watch nerd

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

On YouTube and you know, those guys are as close as I wanted to be to any comic books.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

I don't like comic book movies.

Sir Ben:

Well, this isn't a comic book movie, but it's a show and

Sir Gene:

Well, Hulk is a comic book. I literally remember those comics from when I was a kid.

Sir Ben:

yeah, I, I, I'm sure the, you have to at least look on YouTube and watch her explain how she deals with more anger issues than Hulk

Sir Gene:

Oh, I saw that, but the expression on the Hulk's face is priceless

Sir Ben:

Oh, it's fucking fantastic. It's so memorable. This is gonna be a meme for decades.

Sir Gene:

yeah. Yeah. It's like bitch Mo bitched Mo bitch Mo Uhhuh, Uhhuh, Uhhuh. The, a whole concept of Chiko makes no fucking sense. Anyway,

Sir Ben:

no, but

Sir Gene:

of Hulk is he is masculinity cranked up to 11,

Sir Ben:

well the point is that he, you won't like me when I'm angry, right? So

Sir Gene:

right? Because

Sir Ben:

normal guy.

Sir Gene:

he's literally Arnold. Schwartzer exactly.

Sir Ben:

except not, you know, with

Sir Gene:

Well, Arnold wasn't green, I guess, but Arnold's

Sir Ben:

Arnold doesn't have high testosterone. He, I mean, he has no balls because of all the steroid usage

Sir Gene:

yeah, exactly. That's kind of my point, Arnold, during the eighties was living on steroid instead of food.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

So that's pretty much what the Hulk is. He's roid up, you know, pure masculine kind

Sir Ben:

I wouldn't say that ROI it up is pure masculine, but okay.

Sir Gene:

Well, it is. I mean, why, why wouldn't you

Sir Ben:

well, when your test is dissolve because of your re

Sir Gene:

he doesn't need testes. He got hit with gamma radiation, dude. Do you not read the comic book?

Sir Ben:

yes. Cuz Gama radiation, you

Sir Gene:

That replaces testes. And that makes made him green as well.

Sir Ben:

Huh. Mm-hmm

Sir Gene:

Yeah. I mean, would you rather have that or get bitten by a spider

Sir Ben:

You know, my my

Sir Gene:

and then they ejaculate outta your wrists?

Sir Ben:

Is that what that is?

Sir Gene:

Have you never watched Spiderman,

Sir Ben:

I have watched Spider-Man but I'm pretty sure my ejaculate isn't ropey enough for me to swing

Sir Gene:

Well, that's because he's got spider DNA mixed in because the bite with his, you know, displaced ejaculatory ports,

Sir Ben:

oh, we are off the rails on this one

Sir Gene:

Yeah, I thought we were talking about guns and, you know, shit like that with, with the show, but apparently

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Yeah. So, went to my mom's birthday is tomorrow and they came over. That's why partnered some over doing this on Sunday night and said Saturday morning and went looking for a gun for her and man, the new if you haven't looked at it, you need to the new SIG P 365 with the Romeo zero elite edition. So it's a gun with an optic coming with an optic

Sir Gene:

yeah, I've seen

Sir Ben:

pretty damn

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

big though. Right?

Sir Ben:

no, it's a, it's a compact it's

Sir Gene:

That's what I thought.

Sir Ben:

and concealed carry. And having that optic pre mounted on there is just, it, it is game changing in my mind.

Sir Gene:

Well, what about it is game changer? I mean, you could stick one of those optics on again.

Sir Ben:

Well you have to mill the gun for it, unless it becomes pre milled. Like mine does only M 17 and Darren has the same gun. It just looking,

Sir Gene:

basically everybody has one of those. Okay. Next

Sir Ben:

trying to hunt for a gun for her though, and seeing an optic mounted on a gun at the gun store, looking at it, it it's made me make the decision that I will be putting an optic on my daily carry. Just because it it's, it's just night and day, like

Sir Gene:

I know what I was gonna ask you. Didn't the Texas carry get like canceled and then deferred for 30 days or some shit

Sir Ben:

No. What happened was the law preventing someone under 21 from carrying a pistol

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

nullified. But it doesn't affect over 21. It affects just under 21. So if you're under 21 right now until the court decision gets reversed, you can carry

Sir Gene:

mm-hmm okay. But that law isn't that just a part of the law that got passed that allowed. Constitutional carry. So if the law is found to be unconstitutional on the grounds that it has age restrictions, wouldn't the whole law be then found unconstitutional and then the legislature has to redo it.

Sir Ben:

not necessarily. So the way the rule, the way the ruling at least what I have read of the ruling and the opinion is that the age restriction is struck down essentially under the incorporation doctrine and equal protection under the law. So any one of the majority of age of majority should be protected under this. So, no, my, my understanding

Sir Gene:

we, we wouldn't had a number of laws around abortion struck down in its entirety due to small technicalities as part of the law.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, federal law. Sure.

Sir Gene:

state laws, cuz there there's no federal law on that, these are state laws. So I think I'm, I'd like to have somebody chime in or I'm gonna do my own research here obviously, but it seemed to me that there, they would have to strike down that law in its entirety.

Sir Ben:

well there's

Sir Gene:

And then the,

Sir Ben:

as well

Sir Gene:

I don't know. I don't know, man, I I've seen generally laws gets the whole law ends up. They, they don't get the judges. Don't get to delete sentences.

Sir Ben:

no, but what you're missing is so I'm go

Sir Gene:

I could be missing. I just don't,

Sir Ben:

So what you have to understand is there are acceptability clauses built into a lot of laws where it literally says in the law, if any portion of this law is struck down, the remainder shall not be considered to be struck down. It will function without the one

Sir Gene:

And, and does this particular law have that?

Sir Ben:

I'm gonna have to quite honestly do some research, which I'm trying to do right now. And, you know,

Sir Gene:

cause that's how organized we are. We do real time looking up photos of James river and real time

Sir Ben:

Yeah. So, apparently the

Sir Gene:

I do know the judge did a 30 day stay on the zone order.

Sir Ben:

I'm sorry,

Sir Gene:

The judge did a 30 day stay on his own order to give an opportunity for the legislature to redo it.

Sir Ben:

ABC, CNN in Politico, all think it's falls under separability.

Sir Gene:

So basically we have no idea. So you just named three non-trust worthy sources.

Sir Ben:

well, the they're the ones that came up. We'll have to see I mean, here's what it comes down to the judge is right. I hate to say it, but he's a hundred percent right in that. If you're over the age of 18, if you're an illegal adult, if we say eighteen's an adult, why are we waiting on anything? Next thing he needs to do is lower the drinking age.

Sir Gene:

Or raise it.

Sir Ben:

Well, if he raises it, then he needs to raise the voting age and raise the, when you can be

Sir Gene:

I don't think people under 30 ought to be allowed to vote, frankly, they're, they haven't figured out the world yet. Why would we want them voting?

Sir Ben:

I, I don't know that I'd

Sir Gene:

I mean, for them, man, our Landover and over is over 50 would be ideal, but I think that's a harder thing to push, but you know, under 30, come on now, the good news is they self-select out. So most of'em don't actually vote when they're under 30, but it'd be nice to make sure that's the case.

Sir Ben:

So I, I think land ownership should be a qualification.

Sir Gene:

for voting would be good too.

Sir Ben:

So I, I, quick story, I pissed off a PoliSci prof and college. So this, this PoliSci profit that I had, she was CCP like literally from China, Chinese communist party, teaching American politics. So that was

Sir Gene:

oh man. I was so tempted to do a Chinese accent, right.

Sir Ben:

Well, I mean, get canceled on this RSS feed before we shipped to the next

Sir Gene:

I know. Right?

Sir Ben:

Yeah. But anyway, everybody, there was like 107 people in this class. Everybody hated when I actually showed up because they knew we were gonna get into a argument and, and, or debate.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Anyway, it, it was, it was not a fun time. And I'm trying to remember where I was going.

Sir Gene:

do you have details or are you just gonna say it was not a fun time?

Sir Ben:

I mean, just debates over, you know, pretty much every topic on freedom or anything else. Anyway dude, I am blinking right now. I was going somewhere.

Sir Gene:

yeah. It's not the morning. You're clearly not cut out to do evening podcasts,

Sir Ben:

Well, you know, been dealing with the kids all day and everything else, but

Sir Gene:

getting new

Sir Ben:

more of a, huh?

Sir Gene:

get any new guns.

Sir Ben:

No, no, I just don't go and shopping for the one for my mom. But,

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, you did get a new one and they got your mom a gun now, is that, is that a legal thing or is that considered a paper purchase?

Sir Ben:

well she was with me and she com

Sir Gene:

Oh, she was with you. Got it. Got it. So you were just, you weren't so

Sir Ben:

and helping pay

Sir Gene:

you just paying for the gun for somebody else, which how's that.

Sir Ben:

it's perfectly legal as long as it's in their name and even

Sir Gene:

thought it was just for children. You're allowed to buy guns.

Sir Ben:

no, no, no, no. So one she's doing the paperwork. I'm giving her cash to reimburser in the background, but re but regardless, a straw purchase, the, the straw purchase laws are only when you know that the person cannot legally possess a gun. Anyway.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

So if I decide I wanna buy her a gun tomorrow, or

Sir Gene:

really know whether your

Sir Ben:

you or anyone,

Sir Gene:

or anything.

Sir Ben:

I'm sorry,

Sir Gene:

I, how do you know any of us are felons or not?

Sir Ben:

it it's. So this is a case where

Sir Gene:

do a background check on your mom.

Sir Ben:

She'd fail it. But yeah. Now, so yeah, it's where it it's knowingly doing something. So how do you prove someone knowingly did something?

Sir Gene:

Well, you have to dis brew it. I mean, that's obviously the government standard, as you have to prove negative,

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Well, logical possibility, but sure.

Sir Gene:

not a legal one. so you got her, you got her fun little gun now. Does she shoot regularly or does she just like have guns just in case, or

Sir Ben:

Oh, I mean, my parents are, I, I, I got it.

Sir Gene:

know your dad hunts.

Sir Ben:

yeah, we we're, we're pretty active on our shooting. My mom she's a realtor and goes into certain situations where,

Sir Gene:

Well, yeah, she needs to be armed for sure.

Sir Ben:

she does and you know, she's, she's up there, she's in her seventies and

Sir Gene:

still working

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

still working.

Sir Ben:

Oh, both my parents will work till the day

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Well, I can't, I can't fault that.

Sir Ben:

it's their, that's their type of people. That's the way they are. You know, she, she currently has a couple guns that she'll put in her purse or something like, like that and off by Gary. But, you know, we were talking

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

I've got a dinger.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. That's a kind of a ladies gun. Isn't that?

Sir Ben:

It's strategically placed in my truck and it's it's one of those nice backups,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

but sure. You know, hookers used them in, you know, the old west and all that, but, so what it's, it's a 38 special man.

Sir Gene:

the old Western movies where, you know, the hooker has always got a dinger hidden in there someplace Garder. Yeah, exactly. That's what I was thinking.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. But I mean, I have a 38 special, you know, nothing to sear at. If you ask me

Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm so it it's like a single double shot.

Sir Ben:

a double stack

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. It's a single action. So you gotta cock ITT in between and you know, it's a, it's a close up thing. Yeah. Which, you know what, it, it surprised me that there are a couple modern handguns that are single action hammer fired semis in the way of a 1911 that are still

Sir Gene:

Oh sure. 1911. Yeah. Yeah.

Sir Ben:

No, no, no, no, no, not a 1911. This is I think it was Ruger that made it, but it, it has a, we were looking at it and it's a hammer. It's a single action, you know? And to me, totally. I, I told my mom, look, I, I have no problem. Outside of striker fired, but do not carry this, do not even consider this for carry because a you either don't cock it and then you have to cock it when you draw it or B you leave it cocked and then you risk getting Lin or anything in that, you know, it's just not practical.

Sir Gene:

This is one of the reasons I've never liked. External hammer pistols is cuz the idea of walking around with a gap between the hammer and the striker just is not appealing. I'd much rather have an internally.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. I, so, I mean, I, I love my 1911. There are purposes for that. I think it can be okay, especially in an open carry scenario or something like that, but as far as a concealed carry gun, that's going to potentially have lent or anything else in the way. And we were talking about safeties and, you know, then a mechanical safety is an absolute must with that kind of

Sir Gene:

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, but that's the thing is like, if you're gonna carry cocked and locked, I, I would not want the hammer exposed.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Yeah. But I don't know. I would kind of prefer that my, my handgun just made a shotgun racking noise. Whenever I cocked a hammer. Every time you

Sir Ben:

Universal language, forget the fuck

Sir Gene:

Uhhuh, Uhhuh, this is, this is universal language for, this is your one and only warning.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Which you

Sir Gene:

gonna be very loud and very painful.

Sir Ben:

and my question in every movie is why the fuck didn't you have one around in the, in the chamber anyway, you know,

Sir Gene:

Well, I, I think there is a point in not doing that. Like for example in my pump shotgun, that is three feet away from my bed. That is the condition that that's in is that I would need to cycle it in order to load the first.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Mostly cuz I like that noise cuz I like the sound man.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Well,

Sir Gene:

It's I, there's not a situation where I would need to use that gun to shoot somebody while I'm in bed. I have a handgun under the pillow for

Sir Ben:

Gene, how long, how long were you in the KGB?

Sir Gene:

that's never the KGB. This is a lie that polished scumbag keeps telling his data is

Sir Ben:

telling my wife, you know, sometimes I think Gene's my handler.

Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm yes. That, that, that kind of ran its course with Adam for about six years.

Sir Ben:

now you've moved on.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Mm. So did you hear about California and the car thing?

Sir Gene:

the California card thing. No,

Sir Ben:

So Cal, eh, I thought I sent this out, but so California,

Sir Gene:

you assume I read shit. You sent, okay, go ahead. Go ahead.

Sir Ben:

yeah, you know, thanks Jean. So California passed a by 2034, I think they have to have zero emissions on any new cars and I may have the year wrong. So please forgive me. But it's in the 2030s. Every car is sold

Sir Gene:

sent that to me?

Sir Ben:

I think I sent it out on the channel between you, me and Josh.

Sir Gene:

Oh, okay. Cuz I think I have a different buddy of mine. Send me. Oh yeah. Washington bands got banning gas cars. 2030.

Sir Ben:

California. You

Sir Gene:

what? Well, no, that's when my buddy from Washington state sent me,

Sir Ben:

okay, well, California is doing it by like 2034, but anyway, here, here's the thing. So that's not a possibility, like this does not work. So, and here, here's why let's say you ban all new gas cars, and you look at the replacement rate for cars in California. And you look at the average use case. So how many gallons per year do you think California consumes in gasoline today? Gasoline, not gasoline and diesel. Just gasoline. So consumer

Sir Gene:

say just like water way more than they produce.

Sir Ben:

yeah. 58 million gallons per year in California. Okay. So if you take the EPAs formula of one gallon of gas, equaling 33.7 kilowatt hours, which I found the 33 number in there. Hilarious. But let's just ignore that for a second. Anyway, you multiply this out. You're looking at a hundred and I'm sorry. 1.9 million megawatts of additional generation required

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

just to satiate California's gas

Sir Gene:

Now, where do you get that number from?

Sir Ben:

Taking the 58 million times the 33.7 by the EPA,

Sir Gene:

Where's the 58 million coming from

Sir Ben:

the amount of gas that California uses per year.

Sir Gene:

currently. But what we don't know is what kind of gas mileage they're currently getting?

Sir Ben:

it it's really not necessarily relevant. Because the 33.7 is a broad estimate of what a gallon gets based off of a fleet of vehicles. So realistically, that could be way, way more or way, way less. So it's just an estimate. I mean, consider this an order, a magnitude destination.

Sir Gene:

Well, I get it, but as an example, the Tesla model three gets about a hundred E gallons per or gallons per E or whatever the fuck it is. Right. It's

Sir Ben:

Well, let, let's put it this way. How much do you think it costs per kilowatt hour to build new generation gene?

Sir Gene:

Well, I don't know that that's allowed right now with the current administration.

Sir Ben:

Well, but we're gonna have to build more and we're gonna have to build more transmission and distribution

Sir Gene:

can't we just get our, get our power from Mexico, like all other countries do.

Sir Ben:

So between six and$8,000 per kilowatt hour is what it costs to build new generation that's solar that's wind that's fossil.

Sir Gene:

Ah, there you go. So now you haven't thought about the fact that California will also mandate that every roof that is purchased moving forward, have solar panels in it.

Sir Ben:

okay. Even if they do let's look at the cost, so you

Sir Gene:

cost is gonna be passed on to the consumer

Sir Ben:

the cost is going to be trillions in order to meet the need.

Sir Gene:

no, this sounds like a stock tip to me.

Sir Ben:

Sure. You know, going ahead and invest in PG E the criminal corporation that it is,

Sir Gene:

no, no, no, no stock tip for companies doing solar, like Tesla, solar,

Sir Ben:

Tesla's not doing solar, they haven't done it. They haven't produced a single solar roof.

Sir Gene:

They should, I've seen videos. What are you talking about?

Sir Ben:

You've seen demo reels. You have not seen actual installation.

Sir Gene:

But they, well, they don't look like solar. That's why

Sir Ben:

No, this is one of the, this is like the cyber truck it's never been delivered.

Sir Gene:

I have a cyber truck.

Sir Ben:

No, you don't.

Sir Gene:

I do I ordered the second day.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, you you've ordered it. Have you received it?

Sir Gene:

well, no, I haven't received it, but you know, I've got one

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

coming when it's made someday eventually.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

So probably the roof at the same time as a truck is my guess.

Sir Ben:

This is like, when will the Ukraine war end?

Sir Gene:

Hmm. Well, how many billions can we send to'em that'll determine when it ends.

Sir Ben:

we just sent more.

Sir Gene:

Yeah, we did. Of course. I think we're pushing over a hundred billion now.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, we're very close. And you

Sir Gene:

God we have the spare change.

Sir Ben:

the Biden administration has printed more money in the last two years than every other president combined, including Trump,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

the fuck.

Sir Gene:

they actually need the money. You see all the other presidents didn't need the money. The Biden administration needs the money because they're doling it out through executive power instead of through Congress. Cuz I dunno where this whole idea that somehow Congress is responsible for budgets came from.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. So you're aware of the student loan forgiveness, then I could take it.

Sir Gene:

I did hear about that. Yes. I saw hilarious cartoon on that, that, that said something to the effect of of my mortgage identifies as a student.

Sir Ben:

yeah. Well, I, I, I just told my stepdaughter, well, looks like you're too. I mean, it, it is absolutely insane. And to think that this is not going to be

Sir Gene:

well, it's welfare for the middle class.

Sir Ben:

What do you define as the middle class?

Sir Gene:

People that send kids to college.

Sir Ben:

I think lots of classes send people to college, but what,

Sir Gene:

Well, people that can't afford to do that, don't

Sir Ben:

I, I think there are very few people who, if they want to go to college cannot afford it. Given the grants and

Sir Gene:

I it's over a hundred grand for a person to go to college right now.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Most people can't afford that. Well, the, but do community colleges, do those loans get canceled out?

Sir Ben:

Oh yeah. Sure. Any loan

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

trade school

Sir Gene:

what's and then what, what was the see that that'd be good idea. I wonder if I can take some trade school classes

Sir Ben:

Dude and Hey pro tip pro tip, anyone who is listening that is teenage college agent looking for a career, go to a trade school for an in C technician. Two year degree,

Sir Gene:

yeah. Or an HVAC program.

Sir Ben:

well in C instrumentation and control. If you end up working in the power industry with a two year degree, you're gonna make between a hundred and, and 200 do$200,000 a year.

Sir Gene:

That's pretty good, but with a HVAC

Sir Ben:

I know some in C guys that back in the day were making more than I did,

Sir Gene:

Oh, hell yeah, absolutely. You know what this starting wage right now in Austin, Texas is for a brand new out of school. Software developer.

Sir Ben:

Easily 80 to a hundred.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. 120.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

That's starting wage. Do you know what the Amazon,

Sir Ben:

like us, it really devalues our tenure and experience and everything else, but yes

Sir Gene:

starting wage in Amazon for a software engineer

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

up right. College, no experience, but you know, it's com it's competitive because a lot of people wanna go to Amazon. You wish 190

Sir Ben:

God damn.

Sir Gene:

starting wage, right?

Sir Ben:

You know, I, I, I, I feel like I do pretty well, but that

Sir Gene:

you don't. No, nobody does. The, the average salary rate. I, I shouldn't say average, cuz it's not average. Let me rephrase that of people that have dual income that have white collar jobs, right.

Sir Ben:

do you know what a dink is?

Sir Gene:

Do income, no kids. Now I'm not talking about no kids. I'm talking about two people working in a family right now. White collar work,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Right now is just over 300,000. That would be like a, a wife. Who's a realtor and a husband. Who's like a software developer. They're making 300 K a year right now.

Sir Ben:

That's depressing to me.

Sir Gene:

Well, I don't know. I mean, it's inflation. It's, it's what we've been predicting for a while. It's definitely there. We've officially hit over 21% inflation this year, according to shadow stats.

Sir Ben:

Well, it's depressing to me because you know, I'm making the two hundreds and I'm the sole provider and it's depressing because I think I'm damn good at what I do.

Sir Gene:

yeah. Well, and that's the thing is that, that there's no, like if you did what you're doing for one of the companies, you would never actually work for

Sir Ben:

Oh, that's the thing.

Sir Gene:

Google, Facebook Amazon, any of that ilk, then a person with your background and skillsets

Sir Ben:

but I could never work for those people. I could never work for those

Sir Gene:

So that, that is the salary that they pay for, you know, working for an evil corpor.

Sir Ben:

Mm. Yeah. I can't I can't bring myself to do that one. And, you know, I work for plenty evil enough corporation as it is, but you know, the, we, we have the Deb diversity equity, inclusion and belonging crap

Sir Gene:

Well, you're your sounds like that's just driven by the ownership of the company, which is BlackRock.

Sir Ben:

actually, yes, it is. We had a huge investment from BlackRock

Sir Gene:

not a hard guess.

Sir Ben:

when it started.

Sir Gene:

Yep. That's not a hard guess,

Sir Ben:

No, it's not,

Sir Gene:

I recently watched a very good video that I think I posted on no on social, that documentary about BlackRock, how it started, where it came from and how right now it is the largest company in the world.

Sir Ben:

When the shaved heads start, things gotta be up there.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Is that one? We're gonna have a a hammer tosser running in and throwing a, a, a, a hammer at the screen Re references apple ad from 1984.

Sir Ben:

yeah, so yeah, the two men of hate man, so going back to the jump to shark moment

Sir Gene:

That's way too short. It ought be way more than two minutes.

Sir Ben:

well that's the book reference?

Sir Gene:

I know, I know, but I think that's UN unreasonably short

Sir Ben:

Yeah, well,

Sir Gene:

two hours is more like it.

Sir Ben:

So I, I unpack my office a little bit more today. So we've been in this house almost a year and I've been relying on virtual backgrounds to hide the boxes in my office, cuz I just haven't done it. But anyway, I I unpacked my books and got my PDP eight and PDP 11 up and running and did a lot of things this year or this last week. But go log Oak orgo, 1984, animal farm,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Anthem, all of that are sitting on the same shelf. Yeah, I mean to look at my bookshelf is to understand me.

Sir Gene:

Well, that's how it should be. I, I was watching a video of L with a completely crazy psycho chick who I guess, played poker for a while and as a

Sir Ben:

And by Lex, you mean Lex Friedman?

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah. Likes frequent. Yeah, the local likes here in Austin and the the Ukrainian apologist and while the guest was completely insane. And it's funny to me when. People who are math smart start trying to talk philosophy. It's it's really fucking hilarious. And oh, cuz it, cuz they're idiots. That's why.

Sir Ben:

So I crack you up a lot, Jean

Sir Gene:

well you cracked me up for a lot of different reasons, but mostly it's the nuclear family it's, you know, I'm all for that. So anyway, she, the one thing that I thought was actually pretty good in there in that, in that episode was the hell was I talking about

Sir Ben:

So see when I

Sir Gene:

early on said dementia

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

You accuse

Sir Gene:

old. I'm allowed.

Sir Ben:

lit, but you're,

Sir Gene:

You're clearly lit. I'm definitely not lit. I I'm not drinking this year. So there's nothing to be lit

Sir Ben:

So it's just the Alzheimer talking.

Sir Gene:

Oh yeah. It's totally Alzheimer's yeah, yeah, What were we talking about? We talked because I mentioned L because I was gonna go somewhere and I,

Sir Ben:

I have no idea where you were going, man, this

Sir Gene:

was the last topic

Sir Ben:

well, you kinda interrupted my topic so that I'm not sure which topic you're

Sir Gene:

was your topic? You gotta bring me back to

Sir Ben:

I was going through the books and talking, I was going to talk about a couple of things on my bookshelf and that sort of thing.

Sir Gene:

Books. Oh, yes. I remember now. Good, good callback. Lex had mentioned to her that he always thought that a great dating website would be good reads.

Sir Ben:

I completely agree.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. And I thought about it, even though I don't really use the site cuz I don't really read books these days, but I think that that's a great idea because it connects people that read the same books, which means you're gonna a have something to talk about B a similar worldview and C you're all nerdy introvert fucks who won't actually meet any other way.

Sir Ben:

you're all in cells

Sir Gene:

great idea.

Sir Ben:

yeah, no I like it, but I like it because, you know, I'm the kind of person that I, I, I read a lot.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Yeah, no, I

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

good reads is great. That that's a fantastic use case. They should totally pivot.

Sir Gene:

yeah. I, I general, I like I've posted on there a couple times.

Sir Ben:

Well, what they need to do is they need to launch the dating app. Hey, you like good reads. Here's your monthly subscription to the

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

my guess is most of the people on there single

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

they have a lot of cats.

Sir Ben:

and, and not having sex. Yes. Agreed.

Sir Gene:

Well, I mean single or not, most people are just not having sex cuz when you're

Sir Ben:

weird, man.

Sir Gene:

that works? Is it though? Is it though?

Sir Ben:

Yeah. It is because, you know, when you look at like the, have you looked the shift so there's the whole, you know, the love languages thing. Right.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Okay. So physical touch and intimacy. Apparently according to that website has been dropping over the last

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

yes. Well that's cuz you're supposed to be wearing late latex gloves. Anytime you touched somebody

Sir Ben:

I, I mean, I won't say who, but someone close to me had a zero on that. It's like, how the, do you have a zero on physical touch and intimacy?

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

And no, it was not my wife

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

although it feels like it sometimes.

Sir Gene:

yeah, exactly. I don't half my conversations with my married friends, my married male friends,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

uh, is them bitching about the fact that they're not getting late

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

I have to keep remind them. How is this different than when you were single?

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

You were a loser, then you're a loser now what do you want?

Sir Ben:

well, what the, why did you get married?

Sir Gene:

Well, clearly not

Sir Ben:

you're going to accept that as a status quo, then what the hell?

Sir Gene:

Huh. Uhhuh. I just, and I just firmly believe that men were not meant to be monogamous. And I don't mean that in the cheating, on your spouse way. I just, I don't, I, I just think that

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

shouldn't be engaged in long term relationships. That's all

Sir Ben:

I think we've discussed on the podcast before,

Sir Gene:

discussed this with everybody. Oh, oh, divorce. Well, I mean, yes, we have discussed why we got divorced just cuz of playing video games all the time. But

Sir Ben:

why, but okay.

Sir Gene:

no, well that was, that was definitely a big, very part of the reason why. But yes. So I, I think that if people didn't have expectations that came out of Disney movies for marriage, if they treated marriage more, the way that Italians treated it back in the 1920s

Sir Ben:

What about those of us who have expectations out of the, you know, Ephesians five, for example,

Sir Gene:

outta what,

Sir Ben:

Ephesians five.

Sir Gene:

what is that?

Sir Ben:

It's a book in the Bible, gene.

Sir Gene:

Oh, I don't know that one. That's that's a must be a Christian thing.

Sir Ben:

it is

Sir Gene:

Yeah, there you go.

Sir Ben:

anyway, go on,

Sir Gene:

Yeah. So, why, what does it say if you're so keen on bringing it up that doesn't even sound like a real Bible book Ephesians. How do you spell that?

Sir Ben:

Oh, Jesus Christ are gonna make me spell Ephesians right now.

Sir Gene:

What you, I think you're just making this shit up.

Sir Ben:

Hold on. I'm Googling it cuz I do not wanna misspell it. I don't want the wrath of so it's E

Sir Gene:

P H E S I a N S is my guess, but go ahead.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, yeah. That's exactly right. Anyway, Ephesians five is all about what a biblical marriage is supposed to look like. And you know, the two becoming one flesh and the man not hating his own body and being the head of the household and so on. You know, which is not popular with everyone by any stretch of the imagination.

Sir Gene:

And by hating his own body, you mean he should be masturbating a lot?

Sir Ben:

No. The, the meaning there is that by his wife being part of his own body and no man hitting himself and surely, no man has ever hated himself. That's the phrase,

Sir Gene:

Plenty of men hate their wives.

Sir Ben:

but they shouldn't because they should consider them part of their, an extension of their own body.

Sir Gene:

Well, if they were, they'd be up for sex a lot more wouldn't they much as a man's right. Hand tends to be

Sir Ben:

Right left, you know,

Sir Gene:

both hands, you know, Omni, Omni, handedness. Yeah, exactly. No, look, it it's, it's always been an old joke that says you know, there's a, there's a a happy couple that that's sitting in a restaurant and they've got another couple with them there. And the guy just proposes to the girl and they're super happy. And girls go off to the bathroom. Guys are sitting there alone. It's like, yeah, this is so awesome. You know, just had the best sex today. I'm gonna get to have that every day for the rest of my life. And then you cut over to the woman and, and the one that just got the engagement ring in the bathroom, it's like, this is so awesome. I'm never gonna have to have sex with that guy again. It's you know, it, it there's a lot of reality there it's it doesn't happen instantly. It doesn't happen the week you get married, but definitely it happens to virtually everybody or the course of the next few years. And if, if there's kids involved, it's happened sooner and later

Sir Ben:

kids are definitely a challenge. They, they add some challenge to it. That's

Sir Gene:

know for a fact that the, the handful of guys I know who have five kids or more, I can tell you exactly how many times they've had sex with their wives.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm yep.

Sir Ben:

well, you know,

Sir Gene:

This is, this is the curse of the potent sperm.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Every time you have sex, you, you make a kid and it curses those men to never have sex.

Sir Ben:

well, don't, don't, don't make judgements for all relationships because I know plenty of, I, I know plenty who are, and I'm not even talking about myself here, but friends and friends, and so on that seemed to reproduce a lot, so.

Sir Gene:

yes, but I don't think reproduction is correlated with the regularity of sex.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Reproduction is generally more of a correlation with their political convictions.

Sir Ben:

In, in what way?

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Who, who do you? No, no, no. What I'm saying is who do you think is getting laid

Sir Gene:

the liberals don't have five kids.

Sir Ben:

No, they don't.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

You think they're having more sex?

Sir Gene:

Oh yeah, yeah.

Sir Ben:

Mm, I don't know.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Well, I mean,

Sir Gene:

you know, more is a relative term. It's it's and what you mean by sex, but there they're definitely having it more frequently. You could argue the

Sir Ben:

liberal chicks,

Sir Gene:

What? Yeah, I mostly screwed liberal I'm I've mostly fucked liberal chick.

Sir Ben:

so you like the blue hair and the big

Sir Gene:

You know what? I fucked a lot of blue hair, a lot of white hair on some red hair and pink hair.

Sir Ben:

red. Red.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Yeah. Red.

Sir Gene:

I don't mean that red. I don't mean the red. You like, I mean the like a hot pink, red.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, no,

Sir Gene:

Yeah, no, I've look there's I've I've for a period of time referred to my blue checks or my blue hairs when referring to a gaggle of these that I didn't wanna identify by name.

Sir Ben:

Oh man.

Sir Gene:

yeah, no, I'm, I'm a total misogynist as far as all married women are concerned. Yeah. But you know, the blue hairs like it

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

I take'em to vegan restaurants. Dude. I take'em to vegan restaurants. They, they dig it.

Sir Ben:

you do not

Sir Gene:

hell I do. Absolutely.

Sir Ben:

Mr. Mediater is going to a vegan restaurant

Sir Gene:

some great Indian vegan places in Austin.

Sir Ben:

in Indian food. Okay. I, I can, I, I can follow that. I can agree with that,

Sir Gene:

yeah. You know, I was a vegetarian for like, three years, right?

Sir Ben:

So you're a masochist. Got it.

Sir Gene:

No, I was a Buddhist at the time.

Sir Ben:

Okay. Like I said, I'm masochist.

Sir Gene:

Well, I mean, Buddhism's not really masochism. That would be more Catholicism, but you know, I did the whole diet thing.

Sir Ben:

No, thank you. You know, every vegan kid I've ever seen or a very vegetarian children

Sir Gene:

wanna punch'em right.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

You just wanna punch'em.

Sir Ben:

No, they're just

Sir Gene:

Oh, that's what I mean.

Sir Ben:

and low IQ.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

You have to have protein for brain development.

Sir Gene:

I think you need cholesterol from brain development. Not so

Sir Ben:

same thing, but you get cholesterol from animal protein.

Sir Gene:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. You, you can't get that from vegetables.

Sir Gene:

Not vegetable protein.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

No, I agree. I, I think that, you know, and as much as your views are not mainstream, I tend to agree with them. See what I just did there.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, I do. I do. I'm following I'm following Uhhuh.

Sir Gene:

Oh man, this is the other thing is I will say that the one thing that these, these Mexican resorts figured out very well is not to serve Mexican food. It's awesome.

Sir Ben:

yeah. Well, I mean, if they did wouldn't it, especially since you're in Mexico, wouldn't it just be called food

Sir Gene:

It would. Well, it would, well, I guess, I mean, you know, there there's, there's definitely some differentiation there with Mexican food because. Most Mexicans don't consider what Americans consider Mexican food to be the food that they would call a Mexican food.

Sir Ben:

especially in Texas. It's very much

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. It's text me,

Sir Ben:

You don't have a lot of moles and all that, so yeah.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. If you talk to an actual called Mexican city, Mexican, they don't consider what most of Mexican eats as Mexican food.

Sir Ben:

no, they want on them. All ears and everything else. Yeah. Totally

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Very, very different. A lot more Spanish influence.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

So, but I'm, I'm happy with my standard European food,

Sir Ben:

yeah. So what, what's the

Sir Gene:

herring, cheeses, cold meats, you know, regular stuff.

Sir Ben:

What's the resort you're staying at. Tell us

Sir Gene:

I'm not gonna, I'm gonna name

Sir Ben:

don't have to give the name, but describe.

Sir Gene:

It's on the beach.

Sir Ben:

Wow. So VRBO,

Sir Gene:

I mean, you

Sir Ben:

your picture. It's

Sir Gene:

on the beach. There, there are several swimming pools, I think four maybe plenty of cabanas and things.

Sir Ben:

it's the beach topless.

Sir Gene:

no, of course not Mexico doesn't have top of beaches. Well, I'm sure they have some, but no,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

this ain't

Sir Ben:

You're staying at theor regime.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. I'm I, yeah. I don't know, man. I don't think I've ever stayed on the Mexican resort. That was topless. I mean, I've stayed in. Jamaica resorts that were I've stayed in.

Sir Ben:

I, I, I honestly wouldn't know. I've never been to Mexico, so

Sir Gene:

yeah. Mexico's kind of Catholic.

Sir Ben:

yeah, it's just not destination for me. Well, no shit. Mexico's Catholic. This is a revelation to you,

Sir Gene:

It's cheap. And two hours away, dude. I don't, you

Sir Ben:

the, the fact that Mexico is Catholic is a revelation.

Sir Gene:

well, no, it's not a revolution, a revolution or a

Sir Ben:

the revolution's coming, but I meant revelation. So

Sir Gene:

but no, I, I was just trying to clarify that for you, in case you didn't realize why they don't have apples beaches, and I will say this, so Mexican women of the newly adult age look really hot, at least a good chunk of'em do. But when you look at their moms, you know exactly what they're gonna turn into.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Don't ever look at your fiance's mom, if you're looking to get married.

Sir Gene:

Oh, you should always that's bad advice. Always check your fiance's

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Best thing you could do is actually have sex with both of them, but barring that

Sir Ben:

If you do that, you're definitely not getting married.

Sir Gene:

intimately, intimately familiar with your fiance's mom's body, because you're gonna need to be working that before, too.

Sir Ben:

Mm-hmm mm-hmm

Sir Gene:

You know, just sticking your head in the sand is not a good approach.

Sir Ben:

and, well, I mean, I don't know. I,

Sir Gene:

Who's who's like the hottest old chick that you've seen, like an actress or a, you know, somebody famous,

Sir Ben:

Ooh, what age bracket?

Sir Gene:

I don't know, forties, fifties, not older than that

Sir Ben:

Forties or fifties. Geez. Who is the chick from first contact?

Sir Gene:

first contact. From first contact star Trek,

Sir Ben:

No, the movie,

Sir Gene:

first contact. I dunno what that movie is.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Is that the one with the aliens that are atop pluses?

Sir Ben:

No. Anyway she was also Nell.

Sir Gene:

Nell Nell and what?

Sir Ben:

Nell was the name of the movie

Sir Gene:

Okay, so here's what you do, you Google Nell. Oh, Jody foster.

Sir Ben:

Jody foster. There you go.

Sir Gene:

That's not first contact. It's called contact

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Jesus. It's a Carl Sagan book. You gotta know those things. Yeah. Jody foster, honestly, she's looking kind of old right now, but up until she was, let's say 45, she looked really good.

Sir Ben:

I I'm basing her off of like contact and Nell

Sir Gene:

Well, she was 30 in that.

Sir Ben:

Okay. Well,

Sir Gene:

Yeah. That's not that old. I think Jennifer Aniston

Sir Ben:

Jennifer. Francis's doing good. Yeah. Yeah.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

and Julie.

Sir Gene:

fifties. No, Angela and Julie looks like a dead person walking. She looks like a corpse, but I, I think Aniston managed to do a very good job of keeping her body looking young and minimizing the amount of plastic surgery. So it doesn't make her look like she's fake. boobs are great too. Those are totally fake.

Sir Ben:

I mean, does it really matter?

Sir Gene:

You know, it depends it, it matters more to some people than others.

Sir Ben:

Jennifer Connolly, I watched top gun two last night, Jennifer,

Sir Gene:

oh, she's in that. Is she? Okay. I have to, I have not seen that. I've heard good things

Sir Ben:

it, it, it is actually a pretty good movie.

Sir Gene:

I wonder if it's, is it, is it out of the theaters or is it still in the

Sir Ben:

You can buy it on Amazon prime

Sir Gene:

I'm just wondering if it's gonna be in the airplane at all

Sir Ben:

it's on prime for 20 bucks. So,

Sir Gene:

20 bucks. Fuck that shit. What do they think of made of money?

Sir Ben:

Well, you know,

Sir Gene:

20 bucks? That's like a box of ammo.

Sir Ben:

not anymore, but okay.

Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm prices have been going down by the way. I've noticed

Sir Ben:

yeah, they actually have, it's been pretty decent drop and good chance to stock up before it goes

Sir Gene:

yeah. Especially if you buy a thousand at a time,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

price discounts are good at that

Sir Ben:

Yeah. And, you know,

Sir Gene:

Speaking of a gun's an ammo.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Uh, when are we gonna have Ben on? Ben the gun guy.

Sir Ben:

He's a, he's an interesting guy.

Sir Gene:

I've been talking to him online and he is looking for a gun for me right now

Sir Ben:

Good. Yeah, no this is a guy I work with by the way. And he he's he and I have very similar political views and in a walkish

Sir Gene:

listens to our podcast.

Sir Ben:

you think so?

Sir Gene:

Well, he talked about it to me the other day.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

He was asking me questions about the last episode.

Sir Ben:

That cool.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

I I knew he,

Sir Gene:

him we definitely need to get him on as a

Sir Ben:

Cool. Yeah. Maybe in the first couple episodes of the new show,

Sir Gene:

There you go. Sounds good. Either that, or I'll just get him on by myself and I'll do a Seine speak solo with the guest dude named Ben. Yes. That would be hilarious. Actually. Okay.

Sir Ben:

I'm very

Sir Gene:

Ben. Yeah, I can tell

Sir Ben:

bin with Ben.

Sir Gene:

Uhhuh. So Ben, I hear you're a drop in from Ben's everywhere. So let's just pick up from the last show then. Exactly. But yeah, he seems like a good guy. I love, I love the fact that he's a an FFL, which makes it convenient for me to just tell him what I'm looking for

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

and then to you know how I'm just gonna keep an eye out as things come out.

Sir Ben:

yeah. I mean, he, I mean, he owns a gun store, so yeah, he,

Sir Gene:

Well, that would be an FFL. Yeah.

Sir Ben:

yeah. He's, he's got some variability there to help you out.

Sir Gene:

I also think I found the first gun that I'm kind of interested in getting that would require a stamp.

Sir Ben:

What's that?

Sir Gene:

It is a here, let me look it up. It's a Caltech nine millimeter. It's like a CQB or something like that or something

Sir Ben:

this require a stamp?

Sir Gene:

Integrated suppressor

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

it, oh, it's yeah, it's the CQB. It's the sub QB. So it is a folding gun,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

uh, where the barrel folds back on the gun itself. So it it's, you know, eight inches by six inches when it's folded and it has an integrated suppressor. So that's kind of a neat gun, right?

Sir Ben:

it is, but I mean, why are you looking at FFL items?

Sir Gene:

I've been looking at'em for a while. I, I, I need to start putting suppressors in.

Sir Ben:

So have you looked into the Texas law at all that allows, you know, suppressors built, made and staying in the state to be legal FFL?

Sir Gene:

I have not, but I'm also more worried about certain government agencies with three letters that we discussed disagreeing with those Texas laws.

Sir Ben:

Fair enough. But what I would say is let them enforce it. You've got a good, you've got a really good case to be made that, Hey, there's a state law that explicitly allows me to do this. You know, the solvent trap sort of thing. The oil filters are sort of thing. Lots of, lots of directions you can go with that are, you know, actually machining or 3d printing. Your own suppressor is perfectly illegal in the state of Texas. And if said three letter agencies, aren't going after marijuana. Why, why surely they shouldn't go after states that

Sir Gene:

what makes you think they're not going after marijuana?

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Da is absolutely got Texas missions happening right now.

Sir Ben:

I'm sorry.

Sir Gene:

The DEA is operating in Texas right now.

Sir Ben:

Well, Texas marijuana is illegal in Texas,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

but I mean, for instance, California Colorado, Maryland many other states have driver's license, driver's

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Sir Ben:

that are required to go into dispensary. So they know exactly who is consuming. And they're not doing anything about it. I think that Washington state where the cameras are on the goods and there's an ATM there and, you know, no driver's license is required is the way to do it personally,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

that, that, that is one law that Washington state got very right.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah. But it's also inconvenient cuz you can't just, you know, use a credit card to buy your weed in, in Washington.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, you can,

Sir Gene:

I, I couldn't

Sir Ben:

then you went to the wrong dispensary. They, they will take

Sir Gene:

went to four of

Sir Ben:

of people want to do cash.

Sir Gene:

No, I went to four different ones and none of them did.

Sir Ben:

Well, in the Seattle area, they definitely take card.

Sir Gene:

Hmm. Well either way.

Sir Ben:

I speak from experience or.

Sir Gene:

Oh well there you go. See, I do. Cause that's where I did my experiment that I told you about previously

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

a bunch of edibles of different strengths and then did a

Sir Ben:

you're just that, that Russian Uber mench

Sir Gene:

Well, I just have a genetic differentiation factor. Mm-hmm yeah, I got bit by a radioactive spider one day.

Sir Ben:

gamer radiation hit you

Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm exactly. It's part of the training in an agency. I've never been a part of.

Sir Ben:

Yes. Yeah.

Sir Gene:

So, yeah, the I was kind of surprised cause I figured every they're so like everywhere in Seattle, you know, in the wall in Washington state, in fact, you can't drive through a little town without seeing a pot shop.

Sir Ben:

what's the little old ladies.

Sir Gene:

I that's why I've heard. Yeah.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

It's it's a pain reliever.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm not even joking my experience in touring different venues as it were. Not that I'm, it's just not my thing.

Sir Gene:

You're such a bug head, whatever

Sir Ben:

no, never have been had had roommates in college that were, and things like that. But me personally, no, it's never been a thing for me. But you know, the amount of. People over 50 in said, locations

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

is the majority. I mean, it really is.

Sir Gene:

yeah. Yeah. Well, it makes sense. It makes sense. Cuz I think the kids are doing harsher drugs.

Sir Ben:

I don't know that I'd say that, but I'd say that the kids get in and get out and the older people hang out and the older people are, it's a different use case. I, I think there are a lot of arthritics that really like pot,

Sir Gene:

Yeah, I think you're right. I think you're right. But also I do think like the kids are using more of the you know, the drugs that give you more bang for the buck.

Sir Ben:

nah, the kids are going in and getting their THC vape cartridges and getting out the only people who buy flour or edibles and things like that are in their forties or fifties, probably,

Sir Gene:

Well, yeah, at those shops, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah. Cause I, I think that there there's a lot more meth that's being sold in the Washington state than marijuana.

Sir Ben:

maybe. But I, I mean that's so for me and my age group that's just an OGO, it's

Sir Gene:

See, the problem is you're too young to have been around doing the cocaine days.

Sir Ben:

Why is that a problem?

Sir Gene:

Cuz you missed out on some good shit.

Sir Ben:

yeah, well, cocaine in my personality type would probably not go very well.

Sir Gene:

goes well for every personality type.

Sir Ben:

no, dude, that, that would in violence for me, most likely

Sir Gene:

I don't know, man. I think your skin might turn green, but other than that, you'd be all good to go.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. I don't know, man. I

Sir Gene:

You're pretty mellow, pretty mellow, but I don't know, man, I it's that. That's the thing is

Sir Ben:

everyone who actually knows me. Who's listening to this podcast and you calling mellow is sitting there rolling their eyes going gene. Have you admit Ben?

Sir Gene:

Well, actually I have, but

Sir Ben:

Yeah, I have

Sir Gene:

consider you Meow. I think you bought me a drink once

Sir Ben:

I did actually.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Nope. We met at

Sir Gene:

memory like a

Sir Ben:

in Austin.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. At a bar.

Sir Ben:

At a brewery. Yes.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah. Next to the ice skating rink.

Sir Ben:

and a few other people. Yeah.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

yeah. It's that is, I remember that day, like there's so damn many people that wanted to talk to Adam that he was cold standing around, outside and chitchatting and and people were taken forever to talk. So I ended up leaving early.

Sir Ben:

Well, so I actually, it didn't even end up talking to Adam. I talked to Tina a little bit, but what I did was I walked up, handed him an envelope with my donation, donation note, and a challenge coin and said, thank you and walked away because he was definitely hit up and I didn't wanna be that guy. That's, you know,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

whatever, you know, it just here, man. Thank you for what you're doing. I appreciate it done.

Sir Gene:

Exactly. Yeah. I think it's been like a year. Last time I talked to him, like in person, it's been a damn long time.

Sir Ben:

You're on the outs. Got it.

Sir Gene:

I am, I am. Well, I'm not, you know, I'm, I'm not the handler these days. So I, I don't really have

Sir Ben:

the, the, the responsibility has been moved to

Sir Gene:

Yeah. But yeah, no, that's

Sir Ben:

Is gonna have to totally be a trope in the new show. You realize this, right?

Sir Gene:

I don't, I don't like giving people free air time.

Sir Ben:

Just make it a trope. It's a running joke. It's fun. He's going to listen to every single minute just to hear

Sir Gene:

he's not gonna listen. No, he'll, he'll hear the first five minutes, his name and he'll assume that's the only time we talk about'em he's not gonna listen to the

Sir Ben:

I'll bet you a box. I ammo differently.

Sir Gene:

I don't think so. Well not unless you like, send him a message saying, and by the way, make sure you listen to an hour and a half

Sir Ben:

I won't send him a message. I bet you, I get a message

Sir Gene:

we'll see

Sir Ben:

you in Russian. He didn't say this. That's what I did

Sir Gene:

rushing heal. How does, how does he not consider you to be carrying water for Putin?

Sir Ben:

I, that, that's a very good question. I mean, I guess I'm more fair, balanced than you are.

Sir Gene:

fair and balanced. Just like Fox news.

Sir Ben:

Yes, exactly. I, I am. I am the Goldstein. I am the controlled or Goldberg. I am the controlled opposition regardless 1984, whoever the controlled opposition was. I can't remember right now.

Sir Gene:

Yep. Goldberg. Yeah. You're you you're you're the Fox to my RT. Uhhuh

Sir Ben:

you mean the RT to your Getty images?

Sir Gene:

GI images. Yeah, exactly. It was something I watched recently that, oh, it was a temple episode where the, the guy,

Sir Ben:

You watched Tim pole, Jean. Are you okay?

Sir Gene:

I know I's shocker, right. This was a few days ago, but there was an episode where the guy that was the podium guy who was really a lectern guy.

Sir Ben:

Yes. I just almost,

Sir Gene:

you saw that. Okay. If you're not smoking weed right now, I don't know what that cough was.

Sir Ben:

I'm not smoking weed

Sir Gene:

It sure. Sounds like it. Okay. Snorting right in your nose as you're laughing without smoking weed, that's that's some kind of trick learned there. So

Sir Ben:

the like turned guy. I was, I was actually taking a drink and you said lectern guy and it made me laugh. And therefore I inhaled. And you

Sir Gene:

Got it. Okay. Yes. Unlike bill Clinton. Exactly. Right. So the the Lecter guy in that episode, God damnit, you're meeting me lose train of thought. What were you talking about? Podiums, Lecter guy

Sir Ben:

lectern guy,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

which by the way, that was a bad guest.

Sir Gene:

oh, the Lecter guy. Yeah. He was very apologetic.

Sir Ben:

Boring as fuck.

Sir Gene:

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I thought

Sir Ben:

I'm sure that this podcast is gonna get many comments saying the same thing, but you

Sir Gene:

uh, probably, probably, yeah, well look, nobody, other than two of us watched Tim pool anyway, and most people really dislike him. Every comment I get is like the pool boy, this and the pool boy that it's like, okay, no, it's you keep calling him that. And, and you know, his, his income and fame keep rising, so that's fine.

Sir Ben:

Well, you know, I've been watching him more. Definitely. Man, he just screams project Mockingbird to me in lots of ways. I don't know why.

Sir Gene:

I don't know why. I really don't

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Ian is that retired friend that you've had since kindergarten and well, he is he will say the darnest things while keeping a straight face,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

his sentences typically start off in the first three, four words sounding like he's going somewhere with a point. And then he takes a sharp two 70 turn.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

And it's like, what, what the fuck? How did you get to that conclusion? Ian? Based on what you just said, that that's a non

Sir Ben:

word graphing.

Sir Gene:

Oh, and graphine, you take a, yeah. Every time he says that you gotta take a drink or every time Tim pull says revolution, you gotta take a drink.

Sir Ben:

You mean civil war?

Sir Gene:

Civil war. Yes. That's right. Civil war. You gotta take a drink. Yeah. And, but they're self-aware or at least Tim is self-aware of that stuff. I don't know how Ian is. Self-aware

Sir Ben:

oh, Ian has to me is not self-aware

Sir Gene:

I don't think he is

Sir Ben:

I mean, there's no way he could show his, if he was self-aware there's no way he shows his face on that show

Sir Gene:

But a lot of people love him. You know, a lot of people send positive comments to like, yeah. Ian bounces this thing out and it's

Sir Ben:

balances out to what? The low IQ

Sir Gene:

intellect. Yeah, exactly. Bounces IQ to, to a hundred.

Sir Ben:

I mean, so, okay. So the special needs class really like, see it, don't get it. Oh

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

And you know what, man, here, here's the thing. He's fine. As a person, I like him. Fine enough. His personality, the way he comes off is fine. But the things he chooses to talk about are just

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

so absurd to me that it's, it really makes it hard for me to watch the rest of the show.

Sir Gene:

His conclusions almost never are logical outcome of his prepositions. It's virtually never. I mean, there might be something graphing related in there, but generally he'll start talking about something that's related to the topic conversation and that, that you can never predict just what direction that sharp turn is gonna go towards, but you know, it's not gonna be at all logical.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. It, it really, it it's a trope at this point, you know, it it's something that they're using to their own benefit in

Sir Gene:

I, I think so, but that's, that's the question though. It's like, if Ian's not self-aware then is this really just, you know, child abuse by.

Sir Ben:

child abuse, sir.

Sir Gene:

Well in terms of IQ level. Yeah.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

You know, because Ian's, if he's not self-aware then he clearly is a child because remember we've had this conversation, children become sentient thread around five years old.

Sir Ben:

you think he's got Nike less than a five year old? Got it.

Sir Gene:

Well, you know, I made you do math, but you know what the number I'm thinking of,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

but of course, people that know what IQ means that they realize that an IQ is not is not a small number. And that grows over time.

Sir Ben:

Well, an IQ does not scale with age, you know, the, the men requirements are a perfect example where they have the math entirely wrong because they, they allow children with lower IQs in, but that's not the way IQ actually works. So,

Sir Gene:

the other way around,

Sir Ben:

yeah, exactly. You should actually have higher requirements for younger ages based off of IQ.

Sir Gene:

although, I guess one would have to do a study to determine what is the progression of IQs in adults throughout their lifetimes.

Sir Ben:

So it, it's interesting, it peaks around your mid twenties and then falls off. So the IQ scale is actually garnered around bachelor graduate age. I E around 22 ish, is that whatever the average IQ score is at 22, that age range, that is the average IQ. So

Sir Gene:

that, that wouldn't be accurate then, because for the majority of your life, you would have an IQ average IQ of less than a hundred.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

So then the real

Sir Ben:

on where you would land on the scale to

Sir Gene:

thirties or forties. Yeah. But I mean, if you're,

Sir Ben:

It's not age adjusted. So the IQ scale is

Sir Gene:

if it's relative well, yeah. So it's not age adjusted, but that would still mean that it's being sampled at the wrong time, because it's not sampled at the average IQ over the course of a lifetime of a person. Cuz if, if you're say your IQ is average and it's somewhere in the hundreds, you know, 95 to 110, when you're young, it peaks at 111 and then drops down to 98 in adulthood. Well, wouldn't that mean that the average for that person wasn't what the peak for that person was, but it was actually like 103. And then doing that across the entirety of the population would mean that the IQ, that the median age should really be around like 30.

Sir Ben:

my allergies are killing me, so I apologize. But what I would say is that everybody goes off of their peak IQ. That's what the natural course of events are.

Sir Gene:

Yeah it's not, I mean, you can't really call a hundred and average then if that average is calculated at the peak of people's performance,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

like saying the average a, the average athlete is,

Sir Ben:

peak and personal peak are two different things.

Sir Gene:

well, they, they could be, but if the, if for the average person, the personal peak is a particular point in time, then the average for that person is not guaranteed 100% now to be at the peak.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Right. And if that's the average for an individual that then the average of the population, I, I, I, a hundred AQ shouldn't be based at the peak either.

Sir Ben:

Well, when should it be based? What

Sir Gene:

It should be based at the a 38 years old.

Sir Ben:

Y 38?

Sir Gene:

Well, that's, that's the Avi, that's the midpoint of your life prior to ility?

Sir Ben:

Unless you're Joe Biden

Sir Gene:

Well, if you're a special case with no brain, then, you know, I guess you're a scarecrow. Do you not see a scarecrow every time you look at Biden?

Sir Ben:

from the Batman movies.

Sir Gene:

No. From wizard of Oz,

Sir Ben:

I only had a brain. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha.

Sir Gene:

had to walk you to that one. Anyway, we talk about IQ way too much. And I, I remember I sent you a

Sir Ben:

very insecure about it.

Sir Gene:

yes, we're clearly insecure because we know it's falling for both of us. And I sent you a graph a while ago that showed the the, what was it? The, the relevance of IQ or the, the amount of time spent talking about IQ and the

Sir Ben:

versus actual IQ. Yes.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Versus actual IQ. And the, and the peak is right around people that have an IQ of a hundred, five and, and it diminishes as people actually get smarter and it diminishes as people get dumber. So it's like, if you're just slightly over a hundred, then you end up talking about high IQ all the time. So I think there, then we might need to stop talking about IQ. talk about Jews instead.

Sir Ben:

I'm sorry, what

Sir Gene:

said, let's talk about Jews instead.

Sir Ben:

you mean? Like Ben Shapiro at

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Ben Shapiro, he's a smart guy. Isn't.

Sir Ben:

yeah. You heard about him, right?

Sir Gene:

No. What, what, what, what's the latest

Sir Ben:

he showed up at podcast movement and walked through and caused a ho or fle and

Sir Gene:

oh, I did not hear

Sir Ben:

for violence.

Sir Gene:

no way. What,

Sir Ben:

Yes. They literally tweeted an apology. Like he committed a violent act by

Sir Gene:

he was a podcast movement and I didn't go God damnit.

Sir Ben:

He was at podcast movement in

Sir Gene:

was in Dallas this year, too. Fuck.

Sir Ben:

Walked through the

Sir Gene:

Yeah, man. I got an invite to that.

Sir Ben:

a huge sin. I don't know.

Sir Gene:

Wow. I can't believe he went to that

Sir Ben:

Well, he didn't officially go. He was just in the public areas, walked through, said hello to some people who were at his booth that he paid for, for the daily wire. And it was a big to do

Sir Gene:

That's all I totally should. Again.

Sir Ben:

well, Adam and Dave Jones were there. So why didn't

Sir Gene:

Yeah, I heard, I heard they were there.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, they, they were at a the, their they were not main track. Let's just put it that way.

Sir Gene:

Oh, really

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

out that

Sir Ben:

it was the, their, their PR their presentation time was at lunchtime and around the

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

in a

Sir Gene:

the corner. Okay. Well, they were also talking about leaving the hotel to get better.

Sir Ben:

they were, but you know, it's interesting that they weren't asked to go. It was one of the hosting companies that offered up a speaking spot that they gave them. So that, that's, that's interesting. Man, I'll just say that the ESG and the corporate movement is very, very strong,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

so I don't know.

Sir Gene:

go podcasting. Well,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

to be fair, Adam's been making fun of it for a long time. So

Sir Ben:

ESG or the go podcasting.

Sir Gene:

go podcasting,

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Well, I mean, the big falter with podcasting in my mind comes from Leo. Leo really was a pretty big name that shot himself in the foot.

Sir Gene:

he he's a Californian though. He's a Californian. So he, I don't know if he shot himself in the foot.

Sir Ben:

oh, he totally shot himself

Sir Gene:

Oh, you mean with the wife or what, what do you mean

Sir Ben:

no, no, no. So I, I grew up watching the screensavers and him and Kate Patello. I mean, I have a signed picture of him and Kate Patello from when I was on the show as a kid and lots of other things. But I mean, I, in my mind growing up when I grew up, Leo was, you know, someone very important to me and I don't listen to a single TWI podcast anymore.

Sir Gene:

No, no, no, no. I don't either.

Sir Ben:

But I'm just, but I'm saying culturally for someone like me who grew up watching the screensavers grew up really into it. You know, was just there all the time. That was one of my go-to things for him to lose someone like me, who should be fanboy, number one over here. I think that says something. That's all I'm saying.

Sir Gene:

well, why did he lose you?

Sir Ben:

Damn liberal.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. So, and that's what I meant by Californian. I, I think he lost some listeners viewers when he started sending Dick pics to his

Sir Ben:

Yeah. I don't care about the whole wife thing and all

Sir Gene:

Yeah. And then swapped wives and then but his politics are definitely very Californian.

Sir Ben:

He is way too woke

Sir Gene:

Yeah. And I, I mean,

Sir Ben:

you know, and you know, Steve Gibson GRC, and this is coming from someone who's in the cyber security realm. GRC gets way too much shit. Occasionally. He gets things. Right. And I am one of those people that I am not going to just rag on him to rag on him. It's like racking on Joe Weiss. If anyone gets the reference, you know? Yeah. He, he exaggerates, he goes down some paths that aren't great sometimes, but like the squirrel log on and some of the other things he's done are actually very good and very beneficial. And we have to recognize that

Sir Gene:

Well, yeah, I mean, I made fun of him a lot and I, I haven't listened to him for ages, but he was just blatantly wrong a lot of time. Back when I was involved in InfoSec it was

Sir Ben:

agree. I mean, the entire idea of shields up is, you know, and stealth port, well, first of all, you should call it cloaked. If you're really a Truckee and, you know, anyway, there, there are lots of things he, you know, open sockets or, oh my God, it's gonna be the of the world. All that completely agree. He should be. You know, that, that is a contentious point that you should take up with him, but what he created with

Sir Gene:

he was not a, he was never a security. Spin write his disc product was what he made

Sir Ben:

mean snake oil.

Sir Gene:

on. Well, whatever you wanna call it. But he, he here's what he didn't know. Right. Is he knew how to write assembly language programs. He knew the hardware communication architecture,

Sir Ben:

Sure. And when rewriting sectors on a hard drive was a thing, it was a valid

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

hasn't been since

Sir Gene:

That's what he made a lot of money in. He made hundreds of millions of that and that is he did. He did absolutely do what? Check it up. Look it up. Look it up.

Sir Ben:

I show me where the man is worth over a million dollars and I will be

Sir Gene:

it up. You look it up. You will see. Anyway. Then I think his interest based on personal experience started going into this like, well, I'm sitting here on the internet with no firewall, cuz it's my home connection. Wow. Look at all this shit flying back and forth.

Sir Ben:

well, and you know, to be fair when he found the first spyware as he calls it, which I, that that's revisionist history. But the fact of the matter is that, you know, the picks was the firewall of the day and it was blacklist only. It was not a whitelist, only firewall is not an implicit deny. It was an implicit allow.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Yeah. I still have picks 5 0 5 sitting in my lab.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Yeah. Yeah. I packed all my lab gear

Sir Gene:

I remember all, I remember those things.

Sir Ben:

I've got a ASA. I've got some Palo Alto

Sir Gene:

can't remember. I had a, there was a, there's an IDs device that I used to configure for I'm trying to remember the name of the company. It was something like Elron is it was, they were actually owned by,

Sir Ben:

Hubbard. I mean, what

Sir Gene:

they were owned by by Israeli military.

Sir Ben:

ah, Jesus, what, what, what cybersecurity product? Isn't Israeli.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, fair enough. But back in the day, they were really the first IPS or ID IDs. It was pre IPSS. So it was first IDs that was did not require compilation. It was pre-compiled. It was pre

Sir Ben:

Are, are you talking about like, shit, I can't remember what it was named before sofa bought them, but a star, the, a star gateway.

Sir Gene:

No. Nope. It was called. I wanna say Elron something like that.

Sir Ben:

There is not a cyber security product that was called Elron. I can tell you that.

Sir Gene:

there, well, it was something like that. I can't remember the exact name, but it's also

Sir Ben:

onion? I mean, I I'm trying to track

Sir Gene:

no, this was, this was when you were a weed lad. This would've been 95, 19 95, 95.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. So I was doing baby's first hack about then, you

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

exactly. You were born. What? Five years before that

Sir Ben:

a little over 10, but

Sir Gene:

Uhhuh Uhhuh.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, I mean, shit man. HD Moore, you know? Oh, anyway, I'll, I'll tell a story about that sometime. Came up on no agenda social about Ruby Ridge.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

I don't know if you saw that or that interaction.

Sir Gene:

I don't recall now.

Sir Ben:

So yeah, it came up on no, no agenda social about Ruby Ridge and,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

how it was a meme. And I made a comment that, you know, Hey, I actually have met. No couple people from that. And I actually got challenged on it and I was like, well, you know, I,

Sir Gene:

What the people saying bullshit. You don't know anything.

Sir Ben:

yeah, pretty much, but no, Jack GLM Jack GLM was actually my first employer. I don't know if I've ever told you that.

Sir Gene:

yeah. You've mentioned that a few times.

Sir Ben:

Okay. Anyway. Yeah, no,

Sir Gene:

mean, I, I know that you were infinitely involved with that whole Waco thing.

Sir Ben:

No, I was

Sir Gene:

I mean, Ruby rich thing that, that Ruby rich thing.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I wasn't directly involved with Ruby Ridge, but I

Sir Gene:

Oh, no. I'm thinking of a video game I played.

Sir Ben:

three, three specifically, but

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Anyway, it, it was just interesting because it's like, no, I, I, I actually, Jack MCLE when he died was a person I actually shed tears for because Jack MCLE is and was officer friendly and just a fantastic human being. Like he, he's the kind of person you want in law enforcement, Bo rights is an, a egotist. And I, I have known Bo for a long time. I, I don't

Sir Gene:

Can you get him on podcast?

Sir Ben:

I'm sorry.

Sir Gene:

Can you get him on the podcast?

Sir Ben:

I wouldn't,

Sir Gene:

I I'd be curious to see what he is thinking about Ukraine.

Sir Ben:

I, I probably could, but I don't know that I would want to, if Jack were alive, I would definitely get Jack on.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Um, so I lived less than half a mile from Beau for many years. His wife, Claudia at the time. I knew him when he tried to shoot himself which there's a whole story behind that. Let me tell you anyway, and I've met Randy Weaver on more than one occasion,

Sir Gene:

can you get a him on the podcast?

Sir Ben:

Randy Weaver? No, I don't know him that

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

No, I, it, I'm sorry.

Sir Gene:

Timothy McQuay?

Sir Ben:

I think he's still in jail. Isn't he?

Sir Gene:

Well doesn't mean you can't interview him, right?

Sir Ben:

Ah, I think it does.

Sir Gene:

Well, no, no, no, no. He just can't be paid for it. Yeah, no, they can dude, prisoners do interviews all the time.

Sir Ben:

okay. Well I, no, I don't know Tim McFee and I,

Sir Gene:

Oh, okay.

Sir Ben:

I know Randy Weaver enough to say that I've met him a couple of times and shaking his hand and talked to him, but that's about it.

Sir Gene:

How about Edward Snowden? Do you know him?

Sir Ben:

No, but I think he's a hero and I did meet actually his director at an a and M cybersecurity conference where we ended up in a verbal battle after his speech in the hallway that I really wish was recorded.

Sir Gene:

The battle in the hallway or his speech was in the hallway?

Sir Ben:

No I, we had a verbal debate in the hallway and it was, it was one of those that I just, it, it, I, it was good. I, I would've loved to have published that. That's all I'm gonna say

Sir Gene:

no, you could still write it up.

Sir Ben:

I could, but you know, it's not the same. I mean, seeing him sitting there wagging his finger in my face and me just sitting there going, yeah. Huh? You have no argument here. Anyway, it, it would've been it YouTube gold had I had it recorded

Sir Gene:

this is what I find people often don't realize, or they don't, I don't know. Maybe they do realize it is that most people that are wrong, they show very blatant use of assumptions.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

In their argument, construction aggression can be used as a tactic as well, but generally the, it, it like, it shouldn't take a, a genius by any stretch to be able to see the flaws in their arguments, because most of the flaws aren't really logical fallacies there. They're, they're just simply assumptions being made.

Sir Ben:

So the way this all got started was he was giving a presentation at the security cyber security summit at a and M this was under Ragsdale. The only year they had it. And he gave this talk about how we should give up our privacy for, you know, safety and, yeah. Yeah. So what I stood up and asked afterwards says, so what I heard you say is that the us government is never wrong and that we should always give up our freedoms and our Liberty for safety and security

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

uh, Twitch. He had no answer and I challenged him on the constitutionality of it and told him what I thought of him. And regardless we headed to a break afterwards and I went out in the hallway and a coworker of mine was with me on this. And he walked out, found me in the hall and started dressing me down and wagging his finger in my face and telling me how I was wrong. And. to, you know, moth the floor with him and it was fun. I, I really wish someone would've recorded it. It would've been great. You can actually see me if you find the cyber security summit in a and M the video I'm talking about, you can see me ask the question so people can validate that and know that I'm not just bullshitting here. The conversation in the hallway unfortunately, was not recorded because it would be

Sir Gene:

Well, it would've been now cuz there's security cameras everywhere.

Sir Ben:

Well, I'm sure a and M had a security camera recording, but that

Sir Gene:

What? You should just done a freedom of information act, request

Sir Ben:

I didn't bother at the time, and this is years ago and they're not gonna have it now.

Sir Gene:

now probably not. Although maybe Trump's got it in his house. I hear, I hear, he just likes to steal things from the national archive.

Sir Ben:

Trump's a lept maniac. Didn't doesn't everyone know that

Sir Gene:

That's I heard that's how he got his gold toilet in this house.

Sir Ben:

from Putin.

Sir Gene:

No. Yeah. For Putin. Exactly. You got it

Sir Ben:

Putin and Putin.

Sir Gene:

Uhhuh. Yeah. And on that note, I think we'll wrap this podcast up and then like I said, we'll, we'll let you guys know. Once the flip is made and I. For a few episodes anyway, I'll continue running it. Sir, Jean speaks as well.

Sir Ben:

yeah, Gene's ready to have his own show back.

Sir Gene:

I kinda am. I I, well, yes and no. I mean, I, there's nothing stopping me from putting out solo episodes as well, but I kind of, I, I, I would like to try and get back to just doing some of that as well. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. Maybe maybe I'm just gonna keep launching more podcasts using Seine speaks and then

Sir Ben:

the surgeon speaks random thoughts, crossover

Sir Gene:

yeah. Well, you know, speaking of random thoughts you saw that that came in dead last place on no agenda social in terms of rate the hosts that people like the most

Sir Ben:

I did not. No, I didn't see

Sir Gene:

oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a poll that was run. And

Sir Ben:

That has to hurt Darren very deeply personally.

Sir Gene:

well, no other, no you're missing the point. It of all the hosts that Darren does a show with, which, which is your favorite and the least favorite of all was me

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

like only 5% of the people liked the unrelenting podcast.

Sir Ben:

I don't believe that. I think that show gets more listens than not.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

I definitely think it gets more listens than planet rage.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. According to the stats that show gets I don't think it gets more listens. I think that's the one that he does with Bemrose, but it gets more donations coming through Bitcoin than any other show.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Yeah. But not cash donation, everybody canceled their cash donations. I thought the finally people are starting to listen to me cuz I've been telling'em for months, don't send money, just send water and blankets.

Sir Ben:

so quick question to the audience, and if anyone cares to give feedback, I would appreciate it. Dude, at name Should we go live? Should we find a time that works and put it on the live stream or keep doing prerecorded?

Sir Gene:

Yeah. I mean that, my, my only concern about doing livestream is it gives that, that Polish spy a chance to listen to us in real time.

Sir Ben:

yeah. Well there there's that. And you know, me with little kids and everything else, we gotta, the time, the flex, the advantage of prerecording, like this is, you know, like this weekend we can skip around. So

Sir Gene:

it can be done, you know, I think there's actually more slots available. Not during business hours, believe it or not. Cuz most people at podcasts seem to have no jobs. And so consequently, most podcasts on the no gen network at least are done during business hours.

Sir Ben:

well we both know business hours are a no go for me. So, and you know, for you, it's flexible right now, but

Sir Gene:

I'll have a job as well right now. And I'm unemployed.

Sir Ben:

yeah. Right. I think your next job's in space, right?

Sir Gene:

Well, I'm, you know, I'm working on it. That's how I wouldn't quite call it a job. It may require me to put money in not the other way around, but but it is a space related thing, you know, I

Sir Ben:

by the way, what are you gonna watch Monday

Sir Gene:

watch Monday. What's Monday. I'm flying Monday.

Sir Ben:

The Artis launch is

Sir Gene:

oh, they're they're doing a test.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Oh, okay. Well it depends what time? I mean, I'm, I'm flying Monday, so

Sir Ben:

8:00 AM Pacific or not Pacific Eastern. Sorry. Eastern, Eastern

Sir Gene:

oh eight Eastern I'm I might watch the replay that's way too early.

Sir Ben:

Well, you know,

Sir Gene:

re I watched the, the the Falcon launch yesterday. Live

Sir Ben:

yeah. So when SpaceX did their first man launch,

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

I was driving back from Dallas and I, I headed up on my phone on YouTube driving very responsibly. And I dude, I, that brought tears to my eyes.

Sir Gene:

Oh yeah, totally. No, I I've watched, I'd say, well, I mean, I can, I can definitely say based on the. other than the last few months, cause I've been really fucking busy for the last few months, but other than that, I've watched every other SpaceX launch. They're so I've probably missed like 15 of them. I'd say total. And I wanna say they've done roughly 160 launches, so I've probably watched about 145 of those

Sir Ben:

Now I will say this, the blue origin launches I've watched exactly one and that was the one chat was on, you know, I'm not in interested in

Sir Gene:

They're not

Sir Ben:

symbol going

Sir Gene:

Exactly. It's a giant penis for Jeff Bezos flying up into the sky

Sir Ben:

he's overcompensating. We'll just leave it

Sir Gene:

yeah, think a little bit,

Sir Ben:

That is

Sir Gene:

where he had a, he had, he has a Cod piece for fuck's sake.

Sir Ben:

dude. That is the biggest overcompensation in the history of the world.

Sir Gene:

It's, it's worse than any sports car, but no, if you watch like Jeff Bezos in interviews about Amazon 20 years ago, and it's just little squirly dude with nothing in the front pants And you watch Dave Bezos doing a keynote presentation on Amazon or, or blue origin these days, the guy looks like he's packing about a 12. I mean, I swear to God, he is walking around with the cat piece.

Sir Ben:

Let me ask you this gene. Why are you looking?

Sir Gene:

Okay. So either you're gonna look at his, his bald head with his crazy eyes, or you're gonna look away from that. And one of the things that just pops right into your face is like, oh my God, this guy's either got a hard on, or he's like 12 inches flacid it's. And I, I, I would hope he's not walking around with the hard on all day long,

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

I think he's either had a pina implant

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

or he's packing a little something next, extra in there

Sir Ben:

So everybody who, when we said we were rapping this up, they quit totally missed out on the P

Sir Gene:

when nobody quits, nobody actually goes through trouble of getting a stop button. They wait for the podcast to actually end.

Sir Ben:

I don't know. I actually stopped stuff.

Sir Gene:

you stop yours before it stops itself? I don't believe you.

Sir Ben:

Absolutely like no agenda. I almost never listened to end into show mixes.

Sir Gene:

Okay. Well, you have a good reason for stopping that one. That's I'll give you that one. I kind of enjoy the mixes. So I do listen

Sir Ben:

very talented, especially certain ones like great agent Paul, who we're hoping to create a thing for us. You know, there's some good people there. But it is just

Sir Gene:

head up

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

the other guy that just thought of still owns me a favor technic.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Is what's his face? The guy did, did the no agenda theme thing. God damn. What's his name?

Sir Ben:

And when I was missing Jodi Fisher's name, you helped me out about as much as I'm gonna help

Sir Gene:

eh, well you said some stupid words, like fish flower frog. Oh, oh, contact. I knew that's what it was. Yes. No, no, no. He's the guy that does the, a lot of the themes for Adam.

Sir Ben:

Pull your card,

Sir Gene:

he he's an actual yeah, yeah, yeah. There was, I remember, I, I hired him for a client that was a paid gig and he was like, oh, thanks dude. And it was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's like, Hey, if you ever need a theme or something, let me know. I'm like, yeah, whatever.

Sir Ben:

Well, now we need one,

Sir Gene:

six years ago.

Sir Ben:

well, dude interest.

Sir Gene:

Yeah. Yeah. The other guy that I can try and hit up is at work once is mobi.

Sir Ben:

Hmm. I don't think he's gonna do the style of music that we're

Sir Gene:

well, but I mean maybe worth, worth a stretch.

Sir Ben:

good name

Sir Gene:

about, Hey, Moby, you ever thought about doing something people would listen to, and that is extra funny given his style of music,

Sir Ben:

yeah, it really is.

Sir Gene:

Yeah, cuz we need a theme for our podcast. Can't pay you, but we promise that we'll play it on every episode.

Sir Ben:

I, you know what I'm betting secret agent Paul comes in and knocks it out of the park for

Sir Gene:

That would be awesome.

Sir Ben:

because, you know, I mean, I will say this him and a couple others, I do listen to the industry makes us because they're talented.

Sir Gene:

oh, we got some great talent in no John, the social that's for sure. It's it's it generally people that you know, have a passion for the music and are doing it work for fun. I mean, for money.

Sir Ben:

Yeah. I will say that. I would love to hear Dame. Jennifer say something about loose and squirrel. That's all I'm gonna say.

Sir Gene:

Well, that should be easy enough. Just Stephen. Yeah. I, last time I saw her was at the Texas get together about what? Like

Sir Ben:

you're talking about when we met. Yeah,

Sir Gene:

No, not then. No, no, no. That was years ago. No, no, no. The last one here that yes, but the last time I saw her was like nine months ago is what I'm saying

Sir Ben:

oh, okay. Yeah.

Sir Gene:

named Jennifer. It was the, the thing down in. God, I can't remember the guy's names, but he he's the other duke that's like really close to here.

Sir Ben:

mm-hmm mm-hmm duke of the armory. Can't

Sir Gene:

No, not no, no, no. Not, not the army. No, that's not a duke that he's the Baron. No the God he is like in Lockhart or something, I can't remember the exact city, but he, he got up to duke real fast. So he was one of those people that just kinda it's good battled up within the matter of a few months and getting 10 grand in.

Sir Ben:

Yeah, I'm gonna hang around the Barna a little longer. Now, if I get there are a couple deals coming in that if I

Sir Gene:

Let me give you a piece of advice here for my benefit.

Sir Ben:

upping things. What's that?

Sir Gene:

Okay. If you commence some money and you decide to donate some money to no agenda.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

Good, good goal. Fully support that don't do it in big increments. Do it in exactly$333 increments to make sure that each time you donate our show gets mentioned.

Sir Ben:

fair enough. Actually. Fair

Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm because there's no point in just doing one fell swoop, ands like, oh, here's a check for nine grand. Congratulations. I'ma do no. Fuck that shit, dude. Spread it out over time. This is my John C Doak school of business management moment.

Sir Ben:

Well, taking the advertising, you know, like, you

Sir Gene:

yeah, I mean, they don't do ads, but they'll take money. Okay. Now you owe me money cuz that's that's not allowed to be mentioned on this show. I'm gonna cut that out. It's

Sir Ben:

know what, here's what I want you to do. I want you to cut it out, but I want you to say what CSV does with cut. I'm gonna cut that and just let it be like

Sir Gene:

yeah, I'll have a censored beep is what I'm gonna have.

Sir Ben:

Do it, do it, do it, do

Sir Gene:

Mm-hmm in fact, I might just go through the whole time and find all instances of you saying and put a beep in there.

Sir Ben:

do it.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

Do it.

Sir Gene:

Well you think, I think I'm kidding.

Sir Ben:

no, I, I think it would be hilarious. I think it'd be a good idea.

Sir Gene:


Sir Ben:

And he's gonna have to listen to the end of the show to hear me say that it was an okay idea. So he is not going to do that. And then he is gonna assume you're censoring me thus, you are evil rush Heath.

Sir Gene:

Yes, exactly.

Sir Ben:


Sir Gene:

All right, we got anything else?

Sir Ben:

no, sir. No, sir. I am done. I'm ready to go outside and

Sir Gene:

have some weed. I get it. I get it.

Sir Ben:

I do not smoke weed.

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